About the School
The School has more than 45 tenured and tenure-track faculty members in pure and applied mathematics, statistics, and mathematics education and conduct research in various areas such as partial differential equations, number theory, algebraic geometry, applied statistics, optimization, or K-12 research, to name a few. Faculty have also established interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers in various disciplines, such as engineering, physics, biology, and the health sciences. Our faculty members have received grants from funding agencies, such as, the Department of Defense, National Science Foundation, and Eisenhower grants. The School also has a talented cadre of Lecturers who contribute to the early mathematical development of our students from across the university.
The School has over 350 students majoring in mathematics. In addition, the School has a Master's graduate program of which many of our graduate students opt to conduct research culminating in their thesis project. Many of our students have become K-12 teachers, faculty at community colleges, or have attended graduate school. We mentor our students and provide them with opportunities such as to conduct research, to present their work at conferences, to network, to attend summer research opportunities in preparation for graduate studies, and to attend workshops based on their professional development. We take pride in developing our students to become leaders in their profession of choice.
The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences is located in the Mathematics and General Classroom (MAGC) building on the Edinburg campus and the Life and Health Sciences Biology (LHSB) building on the Brownsville campus. Facilities in the building include several PC laboratories, a tutoring laboratory, the Experimental Algebra & Geometry Laboratory (EAGL), the Statistical Consulting Center (SCC), and the Center of Excellence in STEM Education. We also work closely with the UTeach program, which is a university-based program that prepares students for STEM careers in secondary schools, and the Mathematics and Science Academy, which is an accelerated education program for 11th and 12th grade high school students.
The University is located in multiple sites across the Rio Grande Valley, in the southern tip of Texas, with main campuses located in Edinburg and Brownsville.