V OneCard Information
The V OneCard Office manages the production of new/replacement cards and handles the control of the University’s Campus Card system. The operation also installs and maintains Food Services Point-of-Sale registers, card readers and implements new card applications.
The V OneCard system functions to serve as a centralized management system for employment authentication, verification of student enrollment, meal plan access, privileges, entitlements and debit card use for various goods and services on campus.
Obtaining a University ID Card
University ID Cards are issued by and administered through Campus Card Services, located on the Brownsville and Edinburg campuses. The initial campus ID card is issued at no cost to students and employees. University Affiliates must pay for their initial ID card. To request an ID card, the requestor must present a valid government-issued picture ID or passport and his or her UTRGV ID number. Upon verification of the requestor’s active status a head shot photo image is taken and the campus ID card is printed. Non-religious headgear and sunglasses must be removed for the photo. New faculty and staff should first complete the new hire process before a card can be issued.
School of Medicine students ID cards are administered as part of the orientation process organized by the School of Medicine Office of Admissions and Enrollment.
Valid picture ID (Drivers License, Passport, or Military ID) required. There is no fee for the first student card during first semester of enrollment.
Eligible Students
- Registered UTRGV students
- Registered Math & Science Academy students
- Registered Dual Enrollment High School students
- Registered Brownsville Early College High School students
Faculty and Staff
During the onboarding process, new full-time hires will attend a New Employee Orientation at which time a V OneCard badge will be issued. Valid picture ID (Drivers License, Passport, or Military ID) required. There is no fee for the first employee card.
Eligible Employees
- Full time benefits-eligible faculty
- Full time benefits-eligible staff
- Part-time faculty
- Part-time non-student staff
Part-time Student Employee Badge (Optional).
Student employees are eligible to receive a student employee badge if required by the department.
Ex-Employees are eligible to receive an ID card once retiree status has been confirmed with Human Resources.
Emeritus status is an honorary title awarded for distinguished service. Retirees with this title must provide a letter from the awarding department confirming Emeritus status before an Emeritus ID can be issued.
See Card Fees for payment options.
Person of Interest (Sponsored) Account
Guests who require temporary access to University resources must be sponsored by a department or office and follow steps outlined by Information Technology and Human Resources to Request A Sponsored Account. Sponsored guests must complete the application process to obtain a university account and ID number. The sponsoring department must then submit the request for an ID Card via a web form found on the Campus Card Services website under Forms section.
See Card Fees for payment options
Visiting Scholars
If your school or department is interested in hosting a scholar or researcher from a foreign institution you will have to submit an Exchange Visitor Program Application before submitting a request for a badge. Please visit the International Programs & Partnerships website for more detailed information about the Exchange Visitor Program. As part of the application process you will be provided with information on how to Request Resources for the Visiting Scholar, including a Sponsored Guest Account and UTRGV ID number from Human Resources. Once the application and Guest Account have been processed, the requesting department should complete the Visiting Scholar Badge Request Form. You will receive notice when the scholar’s account has been generated and further instructions will be provided.
See Card Fees for payment options
Companies contracted to perform construction, repair or maintenance work on any university owned or managed properties MUST submit and be cleared by a Criminal Background Check. CBC forms should be processed through Campus Facility Operations before any contract work is initiated on campus. Contact Facilities at (956) 665-2793 for more information. Valid picture ID (Drivers License, Passport or Military ID) is required when visiting the V OneCard Office. Once CBC has been cleared, additional instructions to obtain a Contractor Badge will be emailed to the company.
Companies contracted as service providers or vendors by a sponsoring department are required to wear a contractor badge while on any university owned or managed properties. The sponsoring department must submit a badge request to Campus Card Services on the contractors behalf. Valid picture ID (Drivers License, Passport or Military ID) is required when visiting the V OneCard Office. Additional instructions to obtain the Contractor Badge will be emailed to the company.
See Card Fees for payment options.
Language Institute (LI)
The Language Institute Department will provide information to the V OneCard office to create the students account in the campus card system. The department will be notified once the accounts have been created. A valid picture ID (Drivers License, Passport, or Military ID) will be required when issuing the ID card.
See Card Fees for payment options.
High School Equivalency Program (HEP)
HEP ID Cards are issued at the request of the HEP Department.
The requesting department will be required to pay a $12 fee via IDT unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon and approved by Campus Card Services.
Placing a Missing ID Card on “Lost” Status
When an ID card cannot be found, the cardholder must place the card on a “lost” status as soon as possible. Placing a card on “lost” status protects the cardholder by de-activating the card privileges. Once the card is placed on “lost” status, it cannot be used until it is re-activated or replaced by a newly printed card. To report your card as lost/stolen, login to our GET Portal and select "I Lost My Card" under Quick Links. You can also Email us at cardservices@utrgv.edu or call us at (956) 665-7276. After your card has been deactivated, come to one of our V OneCard Office locations to get a new card (replacement fee will apply).
ID Card Found by a Non-Owner
ID cards found by a non-owner should be returned to Campus Card Services or the UTRGV Police Department (UTRGVPD) as soon as possible. UTRGVPD forwards recovered ID cards to Campus Card Services on a regular basis. Email notification is sent to the card owner’s UTRGV email account with notification that the card was found and should be re-claimed as soon as possible.
Replacing a Missing, Damaged, or Dated ID Card
Missing or Lost ID Cards: To replace a missing or lost ID card, there is a current replacement fee of $12 payable at the Bursar’s office, by credit/debit card or by charging student account (students only).
Damaged or Worn ID Cards: If the card no longer works due to normal wear and tear, it can be turned in and replaced at no charge (the worn ID card must be turned in for the fee to be waived).
A cardholder can obtain their replacement ID Card from Campus Card Services during normal office hours, Monday through Friday. The process of having a new card printed permanently de-activates the previously issued card. Campus Card Services staff will dispose of any invalid ID cards.
Custom Cards
Custom cards for camps, programs, events or special university use are available through Campus Card Services, and requests must be submitted by email to cardservices@utrgv.edu. Production fees may apply. All custom card designs will require review and approval from University Marketing and Communications to ensure they comply with university brand standards.
Requests for modifications or custom designs to the official student and employee cards will require review and approval from University Marketing & Communications and the Executive Leadership Council.
Campus Card Services issues V OneCard IDs to all students and all eligible university employees. Your V OneCard is an all-in-one photo identification card that can be used to access a variety of goods, services and buildings on campus. As a member of the UTRGV campus community, you can enjoy several campus benefits when you use your V OneCard.
V OneCard Benefits
University Recreation – a valid student or employee ID is required to enter the facility. Just swipe your card at the turnstile. Only UTRGV students that are enrolled in a current term have privileges to use the facility. Faculty and staff must purchase a membership.
Food Services – all food services locations on the Edinburg and Brownsville campuses accept VBucks and Dining Dollars, which are linked to your V OneCard account.
Athletic Events – Students can attend athletic events free. Just show your V OneCard at the gates.
Transportation Services - Some Public Transit services offer free rides or discounted fares to Student and Employees when presenting a valid UTRGV V OneCard ID. Check for the latest transportation guides for updates on schedules, routes and maps.
University Campus Stores - The University Campus Stores (Bookstores) accept VBucks and Financial Aid VBucks.
University Library - a valid student or an employee ID is required to use Library services.
Student Union Game Room - Located on the 2nd floor of the Student Union on the Edinburg campus.
Residence Halls – if you live on campus, your V OneCard is your key to the facilities.
Health Services - As a UTRGV student you have paid a Medical Service Fee that allows you to be seen at the clinic as often as needed. With an active ID, you are entitled to office visits to see a health care provider as many times per semester as you need., with no office visit charge.
Distinguished Speaker Series - The Distinguished Speaker Series (DSS) is a signature program under the leadership of Student Activities, that aims to provide the university and surrounding community with world-class speakers and lecturers. DSS hosts public events with priority seating for UTRGV students, faculty, and staff.
Performing Arts Events - Students and Employees can receive discounted access to performing arts events. Just show your ID when purchasing your tickets.
Printing - Find-Me Printers are located at multiple locations and provide secure and flexible printing services. You can release a print job at a Find-Me printer by swiping your V OneCard in the Card Reader (Konica Printers Only). Click here for a map of available Find-Me printers.
The V OneCard fee is $12.00 and applies to all students, employees, retirees and affiliates.
All new enrolled students are entitled to a V OneCard at no charge their first semester on campus. The replacement fee will be billed to the student's online bill. Payment can be made online through ASSIST.
Faculty and Staff
New employees are entitled to their first V OneCard badge at no charge. For replacements, payment with credit card can be made online through the V OneCard Marketplace Store. Cash and check payments can be made at the Bursar's office. A copy of the receipt will be requested. Payments should be made prior to visiting the V OneCard Office.
Payment with credit card can be made online through the V OneCard Marketplace Store. Cash and check payments can be made at the Bursar's office. A copy of the receipt will be requested. Payments should be made prior to visiting the V OneCard Office.
Affiliates (POI, Contractor, Visiting Scholar, Language Institute, etc.)
Payment with credit card can be made online through the V OneCard Marketplace Store. Cash and check payments can be made at the Bursar's office. A copy of the receipt will be requested. Payments should be made prior to visiting the V OneCard Office.
When your enrollment is terminated, the card will stop granting you access to University services and facilities. If you return to the University in the future, your card will be reactivated. Keep track of your V OneCard if you plan on returning to UTRGV.
When your employment is terminated, the card will stop granting you access to University services and facilities. The V OneCard must be surrendered during the exiting process.
The V OneCard office assists Student Accounting Services with vetting incoming students for the High Assurance Authentication Flag or for Level II access. To complete the vetting process in person, you can visit U Central or the V OneCard office on the Edinburg and Brownsville campuses. To complete the process online, you can email one of the following addresses to request and schedule a face-to-face Zoom meeting with a UTRGV staff member:
High Assurance Flag (HAF) serves as an electronic signature. It allows students to complete an emergency loan application and reset their password online. In addition, students with a HAF will be able to transfer Financial Aid funds from their Student Account to their V OneCard through Assist and request official transcripts from the University.
HAF requirements:
- Primary ID - Driver’s License, Passport, State Issued ID card or Military ID
- Secondary ID - Social Security card, Voter registration card, or credit/debit card
Level II Access allows students to access University computers and reset their account password online.
Level II Access requirements:
- Primary ID - Driver’s License, Passport, State Issued ID card or Military ID