International Business Management Roles
Tuesday, December 20, 2016 | 12:00 AM
With increasingly globalized economies comes a greater demand for international management experts. Their varied roles span all industries. Many jobs in international management require a graduate education. Fortunately, an online MBA program enables working students to earn career-enhancing degrees.
Import/Export Agent
According to PayScale, import/export agents “coordinate the daily import and export of goods while ensuring that they have been properly reviewed and documented.” These agents may specialize in a particular product, but more often, they concentrate on a particular industry. Agents earn around $41,000 per year, and the majority enjoy full benefits and other employment perks. Women comprise roughly 56 percent of the agents surveyed.
International Management Consultant
Like import/export agents, international management consultants may have to travel often, including extended stays abroad. Compensation varies by industry and country, and expectations vary by geographic region. According to Management Consulted, “You can expect to work harder in East Asia (e.g., China, Japan, Korea) and enjoy a shorter workday in Latin and Central America (e.g., Brazil, Argentina, Mexico).” The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a 2015 median annual salary of $81,000 per year for U.S.-based consultants.
International Trade Compliance Manager
Compliance manager positions are open to mid-career international management professionals. According to PayScale, they are often “in charge of a team of trade professionals to fulfill all company and government requirements for their trade projects,” and they “create effective export and import initiatives to increase productivity and reduce trade-related issues.” PayScale reports more than 10 years of field experience for almost 60 percent of international trade compliance managers in the United States. Compensation is commensurate with this level of experience. International trade compliance managers average around $85,000 per year, with top earners making around $129,000.
Business Development Director
In the context of international management, business development directors may specialize in a particular industry or even a particular sector within a geographic region. In the United States, business development directors earn $54,000 to $143,000 per year — the average salary is $102,000. Professionals at the upper end of that range report annual bonuses and profit-sharing proceeds up to $49,000 and $26,000, respectively. PayScale reports high levels of job satisfaction.
While there’s no substitute for experience, an advanced degree from an online MBA program can help you compete for jobs in international management.
Learn about University of Texas Rio Grande Valley online MBA in International Trade program
PayScale: Import/Export Agent Salary
BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook: Management Analysts
PayScale: International Trade Compliance Manager Salary
PayScale: Business Development Director Salary
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