Dr. González-Núñez is the Executive Consultant of the T&iO in the areas of Legal and Institutional Translation and Interpreting. He holds a BA in Spanish Translation (Brigham Young University ‘01), a JD (Brigham Young University ‘07), an MA in Translation and Intercultural Studies (Universitat Rovira i Virgili ‘11), and a PhD in Translation Studies (KU Leuven ‘14). While at KU Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven, in Belgium), he was a Marie Curie Actions Fellow who carried out research into the role of translation policy in the integration of linguistic minorities.
Dr. González is currently an Assistant Professor at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley where he teaches courses in translation and interpretation. He is also the Undergraduate Translation and Interpreting Program coordinator.
Before obtaining his PhD, he was adjunct faculty at Brigham Young University, where he taught Spanish translation and Spanish grammar, and at Utah Valley University, where he taught Spanish grammar.
During what little spare time he has, he enjoys writing fiction in Spanish. He has occasionally received some literary recognitions, including the 2012 Premio Platero for best short story.
He has also worked as a lawyer, translator, interpreter, language teacher, and sports broadcaster. Additionally, he has in the past volunteered for a number of non-profit organizations. He was born in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Assistant Professor
Writing & Language Studies
gabriel.gonzaleznunez@utrgv.edu BMAIN 1.520
Phone: (956) 882-7658