Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies

The Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies (BMS) provides students with the opportunity to enrich their education and career prospects by moving beyond a single area of concentration.
About the Degree
The Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies (BMS) allows students to custom design a plan of study that brings together coursework from three disciplines. The degree allows students to combine three minors.
Students completing the BMS program will be able to apply the knowledge and skills to contribute to society in meaningful ways and to expand their career and employment opportunities as a result of a multidisciplinary education. They can also continue their studies in a graduate degree or post-baccalaureate professional program being fully prepared with the analytical skills necessary to succeed within demanding and highly competitive fields.
New Degree Plan (2024/25)
Previous Degree Plan
Students can choose and combine any three approved minors of at least 18 hours each. Students should consult each individual degree plan for the three minors they have chosen.