The Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) in Art History
APPLY NOW REQUEST INFO GRADUATE COLLEGEThe 36 graduate credit hours degree require students to choose to do a Master’s Thesis or instead the non-Thesis option. Those who complete this MAIS degree will then qualify to be considered for employment to teach art history at any Texas public college or university, as affirmed by official State of Texas educational authorities. That is its primary career incentive, although this degree also qualifies its graduates for consideration for hiring in such careers as museum curators, gallery directors or auction house savants. The degree consists of 36 graduate credit hours, i.e. 12 total courses. Of these 36 credit hours, the student completes 18 in graduate art history courses through the School of Art, and nine credit hours or three courses each in two minor areas of the students’ preference such as Anthropology, Mexican American Studies, Women’s Studies, History, Communications, Music, Modern Languages and Literatures, and so on. The best art history is interdisciplinary, making this degree cutting edge in its breadth. MAISAH students may choose to write a Master’s thesis for 6 of the 36 credit hours or instead can choose a non-thesis option. Those choosing the non-thesis option will complete two more art history graduate seminar courses than those who choose the thesis option, to make up for the six credit hours not taken in two successive semesters of thesis, so that both options come out at 36 credit hours to complete. The art history seminar courses constitute a general grounding in the art and architectural history of western civilization including Europe, the United States, Pre-Columbian art and architecture of the western hemisphere, Native American/Pan-Hispanic Viceregal art and architecture of the Western hemisphere, Modern Mexican, South American and Latin@ art, and the course on art historical theory and methodology.
Program Coordinator | Fall |
Spring |
Summer I & II |
International Application Deadlines |
Dr. Christen Garcia (956) 665-3489 |
Application deadline: March 1 |
N/A | N/A |