The package evaltable.sty provides for the following environments: EvalTableBrief, EvalTable, EvalTableBoth, EvalTableScore EvalTableBrief shows the h scores for every course and the overall h score, in the format prescribed for the SMSS Annual Evaluation Folder. EvalTableBoth shows a more detailed table with number of responses for each question. the Agree+Strongly Agree percentage and the overall h-score. The EvalTable environment can be modified by the following commands to appear before opening the environment: EvalTable: Same as EvalTableBoth, but does not display h-score. EvalTableScore: Same as EvalTableBoth, but does not display the Agree+Strongly Agree percentage. Inside these environments, the following commands will add the entry for each course: \addstudentevaluations{strongly agree}{agree}{neutral}{disagree}{strongly disagree} \addcourse{Math}{number}{semester} Add the total responses over all 5 mandated questions per course to obtain the numbers needed above in the \addstudentevaluations command. Remark: Note that the package calculates the overall score directly from the raw data and rounds up or down to two decimals. The ASSIST system seems to first calculate and round out percentages in each category, then uses the percentages to calculate and round again the h score for each course. Because the ASSIST algorithm rounds twice, there is more rounding error in its calculation of the h score which may result occasionally in a 0.01 discrepancy. The calculation of the LaTeX package is more accurate. Examples: To generate the table for Annual Evaluation folder you can do something like this: \begin{evalTableBrief} % \addstudentevaluations{34}{10}{9}{1}{1} \addcourse{Math}{2415.02}{Spring 2017} % \addstudentevaluations{45}{13}{7}{4}{6} \addcourse{Math}{2415.05}{Spring 2017} % \end{evalTableBrief} The legacy UTPA-style table can be generated like this, which is backwards compatible: \begin{evalTable} % \addstudentevaluations{34}{10}{9}{1}{1} \addcourse{Math}{2415.02}{Spring 2017} % \addstudentevaluations{45}{13}{7}{4}{6} \addcourse{Math}{2415.05}{Spring 2017} % \end{evalTable} To display both the Agree/Strongly Agree percentage and the overall h-score: \begin{evalTableBoth} % \addstudentevaluations{34}{10}{9}{1}{1} \addcourse{Math}{2415.02}{Spring 2017} % \addstudentevaluations{45}{13}{7}{4}{6} \addcourse{Math}{2415.05}{Spring 2017} % \end{evalTableBoth} If you would like to have the detailed table displaying only the overall h-scors: \begin{evalTableScore} % \addstudentevaluations{34}{10}{9}{1}{1} \addcourse{Math}{2415.02}{Spring 2017} % \addstudentevaluations{45}{13}{7}{4}{6} \addcourse{Math}{2415.05}{Spring 2017} % \end{evalTableScore}