Master of Science in Kinesiology
APPLY NOW REQUEST INFO GRADUATE COLLEGEThe Department of Health and Kinesiology offers a Master of Science (MS) in Kinesiology. Students may select either the thesis or non-thesis route; both are 36-hour programs. The choice of courses in the major and minor fields, as well as the nature of the supporting work, will be determined through consultation between the student and his or her graduate advisor, who is selected by the student, and graduate program coordinator. The mission of the Department of Health and Kinesiology’s graduate program is to prepare graduate students to function professionally in a diverse and changing society, improve quality of life, and promote healthy lifestyles through the understanding and delivery of physical activity and wellness concepts.
Although programs can be individualized, the basic degree requirements are the same for all Kinesiology graduate students at UTRGV. By providing a combination of traditional classes and the web-based classes, the Kinesiology faculty at UTRGV is attempting to meet the professional needs and aspirations of their graduate students.
*This program has the option to be completed fully ONLINE.