Congratulations for choosing to pursue a career in Health and Human Performance here at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. It promises to be a fulfilling and exciting one! As you know, the fields of Exercise Science, Health and Kinesiology play an integral part in the total educational process and wellbeing for all subsets of our population from infants to the elderly. One of the most important responsibilities we face in our profession is to instill in each child and adult, the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, which includes the participation in lifetime sports and fitness activities. This can be accomplished by providing sound programs in Exercise Science, Health, and Kinesiology based on quality instruction, best teaching practices, and the application of current research. To that end, the Department of Health and Human Performance at UTRGV strives to provide you with the training and educational background needed to become a highly skilled and knowledgeable exercise science specialist, health educator, and/or physical educator.
Dr. Zelma Mata, Chair