Building Information
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley currently has 32 Brownsville buildings, 7 Harlingen buildings, 83 Edinburg buildings, 3 McAllen buildings, 2 Rio Grande City buildings, 5 Port Isabel buildings, 1 South Padre Island building, 2 Weslaco buildings, 1 Laguna Vista building, 1 San Antonio building, and 1 Matamoros building.
Building Names and Abbreviations
- EACSB - Academic Services Building
- EALUM - Alumni Center
- EASFC - Academic Support Facility
- EBNSB - Behavioral Neuroscience Building
- EBSBL - Baseball Stadium (formerly STAD)
- ECCTR - Computer Center
- ECDCR - Child Development Center (formerly CCDC)
- ECESS - Community Engagement & Student Success
- ECHAP - Chapel
- ECOBE - Robert C. Vacker College of Business & Entrepreneurship
- ECOMP - Compound Warehouse
- ECULP - Central Utility Plant
- EDBCX - Dining & Ballroom Complex
- EEDUC - Education Complex
- EEHSB - Environmental Health & Safety Building
- EEMLH - Emilia Schunior Ramirez Hall
- EENGR - Engineering Building
- EFNTP - Fountain Plaza
- EGRDS - Grounds Shop
- EGRNH - Greenhouse
- EHABE - Health Affairs Building East (formerly HSHE Health Sciences and Human Services East)
- EHABW - Health Affairs Building West (formerly HSHW Health Sciences and Human Services West)
- EHPE1 - Health and P.E. Complex
- EHPE2 - Health and P E II
- EHRTG - Heritage Hall
- EINNV - Innovation Building
- EIEAB - Interdisciplinary Engineering and Academic Building
- EITTB - International Trade and Technology
- ELABN - Liberal Arts Building North (formerly SBSC Social Behavioral Sciences Building)
- ELABS - Liberal Arts Building South (formerly ARHU Arts & Humanities Building)
- ELAMR - Lamar E
- ELCTR - The Learning Center (formerly LEAC Learning Assistance Center)
- ELIBR - University Library (formerly LIBR Learning Resource Center)
- ELUMB - Lumber Storage Building
- EMAGC - Mathematics & General Classroom
- EMASS - MaryAlice Shary Shivers Building
- EMSAC - Math & Science Academy (formerly REIN Research & Innovation Building)
- EPACA - Performing Arts Complex A (formerly FABA Fine Arts Building A)
- EPACB - Performing Arts Complex B (formerly FABB Fine Arts Building B)
- EPACC - Performing Arts Complex C (formerly FABC Fine Arts Building C)
- EPDSC - UT Health Pediatric Specialties Clinic
- EPERR - Restrooms PE
- EPLAN - H.E.B. Planetarium
- EPOB4 - Engineering Portable (Railway)
- EPOB5 - Portable Building 5
- EPOB6 - Portable Building 6
- EPOB7 - Portable Building 7
- EPOB8 - Portable Building 8
- EPOB9 - Portable Building 9
- EPOB10 - Portable Building 10
- EPOB11 - Portable Building 11
- EPOB12 - Portable Building 12
- EPOB13 - Portable Building 13 (Civil Engineering Portable)
- EPOB14 - Geology Portable
- EPOB15 - OFPC Office
- EPPSR - Physical Plant Storage Building
- EREBL - Research Education Building (formerly RAHC Regional Academic Health Center)
- ERHCP - UT Health Rheumatology Clinic
- EROTC - ROTC (formerly HRBL Human Resources Building)
- ESCNE - Science Building
- ESWKH - Southwick Hall
- ESOCC - Soccer and Track & Field Complex
- ESRAX - Sugar Road Annex
- ESSBL - Student Services Building
- ESTAC - Student Academic Building
- ESTHC - Student Health Center
- ESTUN - Edinburg Student Union
- ESWOT - Social Work & Occupational Therapy
- ETROX - Darrel K Troxel Residence Hall
- EUCTR - University Center
- EUNFS - University Financial Services Building
- EUNTY - Unity Hall
- EVABL - Visual Arts Building
- EVLGA - The Village A (formerly Bronc Village A)
- EVLGB - The Village B (formerly Bronc Village B)
- EVLGC - The Village C (formerly Bronc Village C)
- EVLGD - The Village D (formerly Bronc Village D)
- EVLGE - The Village E (formerly Bronc Village E)
- EVLGF - The Village F (formerly Bronc Village F)
- EJAPC - John Austin Pena Clinic
- EMEBL- Medical Education Building
- EMSPC - UT Health RGV Multi-Specialties Clinic
- EUREC - University Recreation Building
- ESCAR - UT Health RGV at San Carlos
- BASFC - Academic Support Facility
- BBCLC - UT Health RGV at Bob Clark
- BBRHB - Biomed Research Prof Building
- BCASA - Casa Bella
- BCAVL - Cavalry Hall
- BCRTZ - Cortez Hall
- BCUET - Cueto House
- BCULP - Central Utility Plant
- BGYMA - Gymnasium Annex
- BGYMN - Garza Gymnasium
- BINAB - Interdisciplinary Academic Building
- BLCBR - Luis V. Colom Biomedical Research Facility
- BLHSB - Life & Health Sciences
- BLIBR - University Library
- BLUSN - Lusena House
- BMAIN - Main Building
- BMSLC - Music, Science and Learning Center
- BNOBL - North Office Building
- BPOB1 - Portable Building 1
- BPOB2 - Portable Building 2
- BROBL - Research Office Building (formerly Modular building)
- BRPLZ - Resaca Plaza
- BRUST - Rusteberg Hall
- BSABH - Sabal Hall
- BSETB - Science Engr. & Tech
- BSTAR - Stargate
- BSTOR - Bookstore
- BSTUN - Student Union Building
- BTACB - The Arts Center Building
- BUNPB - University Police Building
- BUREC - REK Building
- BVAQP - Vaquero Plaza
- BVOTS - Vocational Trade Shops
- HACRB - Academic & Clinical Research Building
- HCEBL - Clinical Education Building
- HPUMP - Pump House
- HSWSC - UT Health RGV Surgery & Women's Specialist Clinic
- HSSSC - UT Health RGV Surgical Subspecialties Clinic
- HUNIV - TSTC University Center
- HVICL - Victoria Lane Suite
- MATEC - Advanced Tooling Engineering Center
- MBMRF - UT Health RGV Biomedical Research Facility
- MMCTS - McAllen Teaching Site
- WRCIC - Regional Center of Innovation and Commercialization
- WOSMC - UT Health RGV Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Clinic
Port Isabel
- PMARO - Marina Operations
- PPOB1 - Port Isabel Portable 1
- PPOB2 - Port Isabel Portable 2
- PPOB3 - Port Isabel Portable 3
- PPOB4 - Port Isabel Portable 4
South Padre Island
- SCOSL - Coastal Studies Lab
Laguna Vista
- LVPRC - UT Health RGV Primary Care
Starr County
- RLVIC - UT Health RGV at La Victoria
- RUSTR - UTRGV At Starr County
San Antonio
- SSATC - San Antonio Technology Center
- XMATU - UCentral Matamoros