Vehicle Maintenance
All University owned vehicles must comply with safety and maintenance standards as set by the Texas Office of Vehicle Fleet Management. Facilities enforces this through a preventive maintenance schedule using our in-house software.
Campus Facilities Operations in Edinburg provides vehicle maintenance for departmental vehicles. If a vehicle is scheduled for maintenance, vehicle is to be dropped off in the Vehicle Shop located in the rear of the Edinburg Academic Support Facility building (next to the Police Department). If you are experiencing problems with your University vehicle, please call Lorenzo Guzman at 956-665-2912 for assistance.
Campus Facilities Operations in Brownsville provide assistance with outsourcing for repair cost. For questions regarding vehicles on the Brownsville campus, please call Ricardo Garza at 956-882-5961.
IMPORTANT: All University departments with vehicles must also maintain the vehicle's mileage report, which is to be turned in to Facilities at EASFC 124 by the 5th of each month. (If the 5th of the month lands in a weekend, the vehicle's mileage report is to be turned in the following work day)