Institute for Canine Forensics
In an effort to continue with our mantra of community engaged research and scholarship, the CHAPS Program at UTRGV brought Lynne Engelbert and Adela Morris from the Institute for Canine Forensics (ICF) (San Jose, CA) and their human remains detection dogs Piper, Jasper, Jazz, and Zia to work on various projects within the Rio Grande Valley.
As stated by the founders of the ICF, this is "a non-invasive search tool to locate human remains." With ICF's assistance, we were able to successfully provide these services to the community while providing our students and the public with the opportunity to learn about what they do through classroom visits and public lectures.
For more information about the Institute for Canine Forensics click on this link community-engagement/institute-for-canine-forensics/Institue for Canine Forensics
Click on the following links to review the survey results on the properties/projects listed below:
- Edinburg Public Cemetery
- Jackson Ranch Church and Cemetery
- Historic Restlawn Memorial Cemetery
- Central Park, Alamo, Texas
- Private Robison – World War II Veteran – Rio Hondo
Jackson Ranch Church and Martin Jackson Cemetery, San Juan/Pharr, Texas
Search for Private Robison - WWII Veteran - Rio Hondo, Texas
Institute for Canine Forensics highlights this research in newsletter community-engagement/institute-for-canine-forensics/Institute for Canine Forensics Newsletter
Restlawn Historic African American Cemetery - Edinburg, Texas
Interactive Webmap Restlawn Historic African American Cemetery Webmap