Professional Organizations
American Counseling Association
The American Counseling Association ( ACA) is an organization dedicated to professional activities involving counseling. One of the divisions within ACA is the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA). Student rates are available.
For further information, contact:
6101 Stevenson Ave. Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22304-3300
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American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association (ADARA)
Professionals Networking for Excellence in Service Delivery with Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
ADARA presents an opportunity for professionals who work with Deaf people to come together and exchange ideas, suggestions and critiques regarding matters of interest to our field.
Association on Higher Education (AHEAD)
AHEAD values a multiplicity of perspectives and worldviews and believes that increased diversity enhances our professional organization. AHEAD is committed to equity, inclusion, and access, and works intentionally to represent diversity across the organization and support professional development and practice that is congruent with these values. AHEAD strives to create inclusive and accessible experiences across the organization, including governance, events, and activities.
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National Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC)
NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals, represents the professional interests of more than 100,000 addiction counselors, educators and other addiction-focused health care professionals in the United States, Canada and abroad. NAADAC’s members are addiction counselors, educators and other addiction-focused health care professionals, who specialize in addiction prevention, treatment, recovery support and education. An important part of the healthcare continuum, NAADAC members and its 47 state and international affiliates work to create healthier individuals, families and communities through prevention, intervention, quality treatment and recovery support.
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National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concern
National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns (NAMRC), is a professional association whose mission is promoting cultural diversity and disability through advocacy for excellence and equity in rehabilitation research, education, and practice.
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National Rehabilitation Association
The National Rehabilitation Association (NRA) is a professional organization available to all people interested in people with disabilities. It is designed to appeal to a broad range of rehabilitation professionals. A special student membership rate is available (currently $10 per year). Membership benefits include receiving the quarterly journal, newsletters, and reduced rates to attend professional conferences. One division of NRA is the National Rehabilitation Counseling Association
For further information, contact:
633 S. Washington St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
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Texas Association of Addiction Professionals (TAAP)
The Texas Association of Addiction Professionals (TAAP) is the state affiliate of NAADAC, The National Association for Addiction Professionals. TAAP seeks to promote the advancement of Addiction Professionals by uniting addiction counseling professionals throughout Texas. United we have voice in critical matters relating to our profession, as well as those we serve. By means of legislative initiatives, promotional campaigns, and professional networking opportunities, TAAP promotes awareness of chemical dependency issues in Texas. TAAP advocates for standards for licensure and certification of qualified counselors to ensure the competency basis of those who provide chemical dependency counseling.
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Texas RehabACTion Network (TRAN)
Mission of TRAN
The mission of the Texas RehabACTion Network (TRAN) is to advance the Public Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program assuring effective service delivery for persons with disabilities.
The Mission is accomplished by:
- Advocating, educating and mobilizing legislative and public support;
- Providing training conferences, forums and other effective communication methods for VR professionals;
- and Fostering the highest standards of professional conduct.
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Texas Rehabilitation Association
The Texas Rehabilitation Association (TRA) is a 501 C-3 nonprofit organization consisting of people who are dedicated to:
- Promoting the profession of rehabilitation to the public,
- Enhancing opportunities for Texans with disabilities,
- Stimulating a rehabilitation environment, and
- Promoting quality rehabilitation services by organizations and individuals.
Our members include public and private rehabilitation counselors, rehabilitation administrators, rehabilitation educators, social workers, job placement specialists, consultants, qualified rehabilitation professionals, medical professionals (physical therapy, speech, occupational therapy), community rehabilitation professionals, and others involved in the provision of advocacy of services or programs for people with disabilities.
TRA provides training with continuing education credits, facilitates networking among professionals, and encourages the development and maintenance of local subchapters with local activities. Continuing education credits include CRC, LPC, CVE, and CEU’s for Social Work.
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Texas Society of Allied Health Professionals
The Texas Society of Allied Health Professions is a professional organization, dedicated to enhancing and promoting education, research, and clinical practice of allied health professional within the state. TSAHP provides a vital forum in which allied health educators and practitioners can address and act on mutual concerns
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The National Council on Rehabilitation Education
The National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) is the premier professional organization of educators dedicated to quality services for persons with disabilities through education and research. NCRE advocates up-to-date education and training and the maintenance of professional standards in the field of rehabilitation.
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