Early Career Investigator Workshop
Proposal Instructions
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the NSF CREST/HBCU-RISE/PRP PI Meeting: 2024 Workshop for Early Career Investigators. One of the activities during this event will include an exercise in Merit Review. For this activity, we ask you to submit via email a white paper consisting of a typical NSF-Style one-page summary along with a second page that contains a budget and budget justification.
Investigators are asked to submit a proposal related to any NSF Program that they intend to submit in the near future. Proposed work is expected to provide transformative advances in fundamental chemistry, mathematics, physics, astronomy, materials research, engineering, manufacturing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, or other related areas, enable exploration of novel and unique science and/or help solve important national challenges.
In the Intellectual Merit section, proposals need to include strong motivation, description of the current state of the field, comprehensive plan for growing and advancing the technology and application field, specific hypothesis to be tested, and description of methods and models used to analyze data when applicable.
In the Broader Impacts section, please describe the transformative nature and impact of proposed research on the discipline and society, integration of research and education, technology transfer, workforce development, and planned outreach efforts.
Project Description should include research plan with expected results, data dissemination methods, and summary of costs. The budget and budget justification (second page) should detail the project costs and provide a justification for each of the items included in the budget.
No more than 1 figure + caption allowed (optional). References are not allowed.
Please use Times New Roman 11 points, 1-line spacing, normal (1 inch) margins, Letter format.
Please format the proposal content as follows (see example provided):
- Title, PI, Institution, email
- Summary
- Intellectual Merit
- Broader Impacts
- Project Description
Total word count for Intellectual Merit + Broader Impacts + Project Description parts may not exceed 600 words.
Please submit your proposal as one PDF file attachment to mecis@utrgv.edu
(Please name your PDF file as follows: NSF White Paper_John_Smith.pdf)
Download Proposal Instructions
Please register at: https://secure.touchnet.net/C20545_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=5299&SINGLESTORE=true
Deadline: Friday October 18, 2024.