Degree Plan
Master of Science in Health Sciences, Concentration in Health Professions Education & Technology
- Concentration Courses
- Core Courses
- MSHS-HPET Degree Requirements 2020
- MSHS-HPET Degree Requirements 2020-2021
- 2022-2023 MS Health Professions Education and Technology Certificate - Degree Plan
- 2023-2024 MS Health Professions Education and Technology Certificate - Degree Plan
- 2023-2024 MS in Health Sciences, Concentration in Health Professions Education and Technology - Degree Plan
Concentration Health Professions Education and Technology Course Descriptions
HLTH 6300 - Theory and Practice of Health Science Education
This course introduces students to the theory and practice in the development and implementation of innovative and traditional health science education strategies in healthcare, community, and instructional settings.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
HLTH 6301 - Health Science Curriculum and Design
This course prepares students with the skills required in the planning, design, development and evaluation of curricula and instructional strategies in healthcare, community, and instructional settings.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
HLTH 6302 - Health Science Program Evaluation
This course prepares health science professionals with the knowledge and skills to apply theory and practice in evaluation of health programs in healthcare, community, and instructional settings; evaluation of standardized health assessments and analysis of results.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
HLTH 6303 - Teaching Health Science Technology
This course prepares health professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement technology in the learning setting to optimize student/patient participation, motivation, assessment and engagement. The course also develops proficiency in media communication protocols and time management skills in the health field.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
HLTH 6304 - Advanced Technology Applications in Health Professions
This course focuses on the application of current technology (software and hardware) in health science education; commercial software selection and use; database management and computer networking for communication, research, and health promotion.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
HLTH 6305 - Health Professions Student Mentorship and Leadership Development
This course prepares health professionals to mentor, counsel, and advise future health science professionals, current healthcare professionals and the community in the competencies and career opportunities for emerging health careers.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Master of Science in Health Sciences Core Course Descriptions
HSCI 6300 - Introduction to the Health Care System and Quality Improvement
An introduction to the health care system beginning with a historical overview, analysis of organizational components and an emphasis on the interaction of delivery systems, regulation, financial concerns, regulations and alternative strategies for health care organizations, as well as quality assurance and its role in health care organizations.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
HSCI 6307 - Health Care Policy, Organization and Financing
This course examines the development of U.S. health policies and laws and how they affect health care delivery, impact health disparities, and shape population health. Special attention will be given to discussions of current national health policy debates. The course also introduces students to various international health care system models.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
HSCI 6310 - Research in Health Sciences
An exploration of qualitative and quantitative research methods and experimental designs with specific application to the Health Sciences as well as an introduction to evidence-based medicine.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
HSCI 6345 - Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care
Overview of legal and ethical issues associated with the delivery of health care in today's society. Specific areas of contemporary legal and ethical concern surrounding everyday practice will be emphasized.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
INFS 6340 - Health Computer Information Systems
This course provides the knowledge about fundamentals of health information systems (HIS) and the role of information systems in efficient operation of healthcare organizations. The course specifically focuses on: evolution of HIS, HIS components and basic HIS functions, technology infrastructure for healthcare organizations, basic concepts such as EHR, HIE, CPOE, and COSS, HIS standards such as HIPAA, HL7, and DICOM, strategic information systems planning for healthcare organizations, systems analysis and project management, information security issues, and role of HIS professionals in health organizations.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
HSCI 7302 - Professional Proposal Writing
This course will cover the knowledge, skills and techniques used in the preparation of professional papers and grant proposals. Students will also be introduced to methods used in the identification of funding sources, as well as the principles of successful grant management.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
HSCI 6345 Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare |
HLTH 6300 Theory and Practice of Health Science Education |
HSCI 6307 Health Care Policy, Organization, and Financing |
HLTH 6301 Health Science Curriculum and Design |
HSCI 7302 Professional Proposal Writing |
HLTH 6305 Health Professions Student Mentorship and Leadership Development |
HSCI 6310 Research in Health Science |
HLTH 6303 Teaching Health Science Technology |
HSCI 6300 Intro HealthCare Sys & Quality Improvement |
HLTH 6302 Health Science Program Evaluation |
INFS 6340 Health Computer Information Systems |
HLTH 6304 Advanced Technology Applications in Health Professions |
Module Duration: 7 weeks
Course Credit Hours: 3