Terms & Conditions
Following the principles of professional responsibility set forth by the American Anthropological Association, all users of CoBiVa should abide by the following terms and conditions:
- Respect the participants. The participants generously gave of their time and themselves in the creation of this corpus. In recognition of their contributions, users should avoid negative comments about participants and their language in any uses of the corpus, whether in classrooms, presentations or publications.
- Maintain the confidentiality of participants. While the research team has removed names and personally identifying information from these files, the users of the corpus should be careful to maintain the confidentiality of the participants. Even if personally identifying information is known by the researchers, it should not be included in presentations or publications. For example, this may mean using pseudonyms, codes, or numbers instead of names.
- Cite the corpus. In any presentation or publication based on the corpus, the researcher should cite the corpus. This increases data sharing, allowing other researchers to learn about and gain access to this corpus. Please use the following format:
Christoffersen, K. & Ciller, J. (2024). Corpus Bilingüe del Valle (CoBiVa). University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. https://utrgv.edu/cobiva
Christoffersen, K. & Bessett, R. M. (2019). Corpus Bilingüe del Valle (CoBiVa). University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. https://utrgv.edu/cobiva - Share outcomes of the corpus. All users should share information about their presentations and/or publications. Please email the citation of your presentation or publication so that we may include it on the website. Email this information to: