This valuable sociolinguistic data is also a useful resource for the classroom in sociolinguistics, linguistics, and Spanish language courses, among others. In order to increase the use of the CoBiVa among teachers and students at various levels, we are developing online teaching modules based on various topics.
Our team is actively in the process of creating more online teaching modules. We plan to create modules related to various topics (family, education, sports) for their incorporation in Spanish language classes.
Language Ideologies (English version)
Ideologías Lingüísticas (Spanish version)
This online teaching module presents background information on language ideologies along with resources related to the topic and short excerpts of audio and transcripts. The module also includes discussion questions and sample activities for the classroom.
If you use one of these modules in your class, we encourage you to please complete the feedback form. We would very much appreciate learning about student learning outcomes and experiences with these material and also as a way to improve and inform future teaching modules. We welcome you to contact us at cobiva@utrgv.edu or our institutional emails (katherine.christoffersen@utrgv.edu or ryan.bessett@utrgv.edu).