Gravitational Wave Physics
CGWA is active in astronomy and astrophysics research as members of the gravitational wave astronomy collaborations LIGO, LISA, and NANOGrav. As members of the LIGO/Virgo Collaboration (LVC) we are involved in the analysis of data from the two LIGO, the Virgo, and the German-British GEO600 detectors.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Astrophysics research at CGWA involves modeling populations of compact object binaries in the Galaxy and its environs in order to determine how gravitational wave observations can shed light on models of stellar evolution and Galactic structure. This research is relevant to gravitational wave observations using LIGO, LISA, and Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTA) including NANOGrav. CGWA is a member of the Transient Optical Robotic Observatory of the South (TOROS) collaboration, created to search for kilonovae associated with the merger of neutron stars.
Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics
CGWA research includes adaptive control of laser beams, adaptive optics, phasefront sensing, laser frequency stabilization, optical tweezers and wrenches, optical readout of AFM, and photonic crystals.
Computational Physics
Computers and computational advances allow researchers to solve complex physical problems that require enormous computational resources. From the analysis of data collected by LIGO, to modeling electromagnetic wave propagation through photonic crystals, computational physics is an essential part of CGWA research.