The Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy (CGWA) was established at The University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB) to develop excellence in research and education in gravitational wave astronomy and associated fields. Research at CGWA encompasses various aspects of gravitational wave astronomy, including:
- astrophysical source modeling
- the phenomenological astrophysics of gravitational wave sources
- gravitational wave data analysis
- gravitational wave detector characterization
- instrumentation, specifically lasers and optical components
- multi-messenger astronomy, especially radio and optical astronomy
CGWA has a successful visitors' program, offers several postdoctoral openings, and hosts international conferences to promote scientific collaborations and continually expose its faculty and students to world-class research. In addition to research, Center students and scientists engage in public outreach and educational activities throughout the world. CGWA began operation in 2002 and is funded by a NASA Group 3 OMU University Research Center (URC) Program and research awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF).