CGWA and Education
The CGWA is highly committed to education. CGWA professors play a fundamental role in the undergraduate and graduate programs at The University of Texas at Brownsville. But at even a more fundamental level the CGWA is committed to enhance scientific literacy and science education in general.
During the summer of 2005, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering and the Institute of Medicine undertook a study of America's evolving competitiveness in the global economy. The study resulted in a 500-page volume that became known as the "Gathering Storm" report. It focused upon the ability of Americans to compete for employment in a job market that increasingly knows no geographic boundaries. A recent update to this report "Rising Above the Gathering Storm, Revisited: Rapidly Approaching Category 5".
It is precisely to enhance the competitiveness of our region, our state and our country that the center supports the creation and development of innovative programs in education and outreach that create awareness about scientific and engineering careers among youngsters, that informs and prepares high school students for careers in science, and that prepares the future generations of scientists and engineers to be the innovators and creators that our society needs.