Should you ever find yourself in an active shooter situation, your survival may depend on how you respond. There are three things you can do that may make a difference:
AVOID – Get away from the threat and to a safe place.
Find a way out:
- If you are indoors, are you near an emergency exit?
- What is between you and the nearest exit?
- Can you see the shooter(s)? Can you hear gunfire?
- If you see a safe exit path, get out as quickly as possible.
When you are safe, call the University Police (956) 882-4911 and provide the following details:
- Where is the shooter? (Which campus, building, floor number, and/or room number)
- Where is the shooter heading? (An estimated guess if not known)
- Is there more than one shooter?
- Can you describe the shooter’s appearance? Height, skin, clothing color, etc.
- What kind of weapon(s) do they have? Type of gun, multiple weapons, etc.
- Where are potential victims located? campus, building, floor, and/or room.
DENY – If you can’t get away from the threat, hide.
- Are there barriers (like chairs, tables, ladders, etc.) between yourself and the shooter?
- Can you lock all doors and/or windows in the room and turn off all the lights?
- Is there a place to hide that is outside of the shooter’s view?
- Can you move to another location if needed?
- Silence all mobile devices and remain quiet!
DEFEND – If you can’t get away or hide, fight for your life.
- Be prepared. Be confident. Be brave.
- If you can, use force to separate the shooter from their weapon.
- Attack the shooter by using any object or means necessary.
- Do not fight fair. This is a life-or-death scenario.
What to do when law enforcement arrives:
- Do not panic. Remain calm.
- Immediately follow any instructions given by the police.
- Keep your hands raised to show officers you are not a threat.
- Do not point or yell.
- If you are injured, you will receive treatment.