List of Courses
Note: The Prerequisite for many courses is "PSYC 2301" (General Psychology). This is the new course number and name for UTPA's PSY 1310 (Introductory Psychology). The courses are equivalent.
PSYC 2301 General Psychology
An introduction to the discipline of psychology as a natural science and as an applied social science. This course includes topics such as the biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, learning and memory, emotions, personality, abnormal psychology, therapy, developmental and social psychology. Previous course numbers: PSYC 2301 replaces the previous PSY 1310 Introductory Psychology course.
PSYC 2302 Basic Statistics for Psychologists
(Texas Common Course Number is PSYC 2317)
A practical study of the procedures used in handling psychological data including descriptive statistics, central tendency, variation, correlation and inference. Equivalent Course: May be counted as ANTH 2401; a student may receive credit in only one course. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or higher (except MATH 1350 and 3 hours of the following: PSYC 2301, ANTH 2351, ANTH 1324 or ANTH 2302.
PSYC 3302 Adolescent Psychology
This course investigates the physical, behavioral, mental, emotional and social changes that accompany growth and development in adolescence. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 3324 Social Psychology
An overview of how groups and society influence behavior and thinking. The main topics include conformity, obedience, prosocial behavior (cooperation and helping others), the behavior of groups, attitudes and prejudice, as well as research on interpersonal attraction, including physical attractiveness and romantic love. The course also examines how everyday people are implicit psychologists, trying to explain and understand the behavior of others as well as their own. Prerequisite: Three hours of social science.
PSYC 3325 Research Methods in Psychology
This course provides a lecture-laboratory approach to learning the scientific methodology of empirical psychological research. Basic principles and methods of research design, hypothesis testing, data collection and analysis and result interpretation are covered in this course. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301 and PSYC 2401.
PSYC 3332 Developmental Psychology: Infancy Through Adolescence
An overview of human development from conception to adolescence. Topics include biological foundations, physical growth, language and cognition, social and personality development. Traditional and recent theoretical perspectives are reviewed. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 3333 Psychology of Adulthood: Maturity and Old Age
A study of such aspects of adulthood as job selection, marriage, child rearing and old age. Prerequisite: Six hours of psychology.
PSYC 3337 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan
The field of developmental psychology is an overview of the physical, cognitive, social, emotional and personality domains of the changes that occur over time. The course focuses on normal development from conception through death. Traditional and theoretical perspectives are reviewed. Prerequisites: PSYC 2301.
Psychology 3338 Psychology of Gender
This course is designed to provide students with knowledge about gender development from infancy through adulthood, including the many similarities and differences among physical, educational/employment, and interpersonal experiences of men and women during each developmental stage of life. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 3340 Stress Management
This course introduces the student to a wide variety of stress reduction techniques and their implications for health. Practical experiences as well as research in such areas as biofeedback, relaxation training and meditation are provided. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 3343 Tests and Measurements in Psychology
Concentrates on the theoretical aspects of test construction and on extensive survey of the major types of standardized tests used in industry, schools and mental health settings. Prerequisites: PSYC 2301 and PSYC 2401.
PSYC 3353 Physiological Psychology
An analysis of the basic physiological mechanisms underlying behavior with emphasis on the role of the central nervous system in sensation, emotion, motivation, learning and memory. A knowledge of biology is helpful but not necessary. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 3373 Sensation and Perception
A study of the basic mechanisms underlying sensation and perception. Experimental methods, research findings and theory are emphasized. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 3383 Animal Behavior
An introduction to the methods, results and interpretation of studies of animal behavior from the perspectives of comparative psychology and ethology. An emphasis will be placed on social and communicative behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 3405 Behavior Modification
An overview of principles of social learning, operant conditioning and the application of these principles to personal development, relationships and problem behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 4182 Directed Readings
Students will complete individually assigned readings on a selected topic under the supervision of a faculty member with whom specific arrangements have been made. May be repeated for up to two hours credit. Prerequisites: Nine hours of psychology and consent of instructor.
PSYC 4303 Advanced Statistics for Psychology
This course reviews and expands on basic principle of statistical analysis with an emphasis on inferential techniques such as analysis of variance and integrated with the use of prepackaged statistical analysis programs such as SPSS. Prerequisite: PSYC 2317 or SOCI 4301.
PSYC 4313 Abnormal Psychology
A comprehensive analysis of various emotional disorders, neuroses and psychoses, their symptoms, etiologies and treatment and approaches. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 4318 Theories of Learning
A historical review of major theoretical positions in the field of animal and human learning. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301 or consent of instructor.
PSYC 4319 Cognitive Psychology
The study of intellectual activities. Topics include attention, perception, pattern recognition, memory, concept formation, language processing, reasoning, judgment, decision making, problem solving, and creativity. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 4320 Memory
The study of the acquisition, storage, retrieval and forgetting of information. Emphasis is on basic research and theory about adult memory processes, but some consideration is also given to applications and developmental aspects of memory such as memory in childhood and memory and aging. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 4326 Cross-Cultural Psychology
The course examines how culture shapes our cognition and behavior. In addition to exploring intercultural contact and cross-cultural research methods, the following areas in psychology are analyzed from a cross-national perspective: perception, cognition, human development, attitudes and interpersonal relations. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 4327 Personal Relationships
Theories and research findings on a variety of close relationships are explored, including friendships and romantic love. Although the course focuses on everyday dynamics, clinical issues such as shyness, loneliness and jealousy are also covered. In addition to analyzing how personal relationships are developed and maintained, the course also examines the process of breakup and dissolution. Prerequisites: Nine hours of psychology.
PSYC 4328 Psychological Issues in the Mexican-American Community
Mexican-American personality development and assessment, ethnic identity and acculturation are examined in the course, as are Chicano perceptions of abnormal conduct and the use of alternative therapists. Selected community issues, such as immigration and prosocial behavior, are also explored from a psychological perspective. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 4330 Human Motivation
Human motivation is about the scientific study of the causes, sustaining, intensity, directions, and termination of behaviors and mental states. Topics include human nature, desires for food, sex, sleep, intimacy, fear, anger, striving for achievements and power, developing interests and growing competencies, and making plans and setting goals.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 4333 Theories of Personality
Emphasis is placed on the major theories of personality that attempt to explain the psychological nature and behavior of people. Some consideration is given to the process involved in developing a theory of personality. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 4342 Psychology and Law
This course is designed to give students an appreciation of behavioral phenomena as they apply to our legal system. A general survey of related topics such as the trial process, the psychology of evidence and the psychology of juries will be covered. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 4343 Human Factors
Human factors is concerned with the optimal interaction between humans and their working environments, including machines, instruments, computers, and physical environments. The course draws from several areas of psychology, including sensation, perception, memory, cognition, physiology, learning, and motivation. The goal is to optimize the design of operation systems by considering human capabilities and limitations. Prerequisites: PSYC 2301 and a course in perception or memory.
PSYC 4356 Health Psychology
This course is designed to demonstrate the inseparability of mind and body. Although our Western approach to medicine still focuses on illness and treatment as biologically based, there is increasing evidence that psychological and social factors play a part in the healing process. The course is divided into three areas of content: examination of how alterations of the body can affect the mind, examination of how the mind can affect the body, especially as a result of stress and, lastly, an evaluation of complementary/alternative medicine. Prerequisite: PSYC 2301.
PSYC 4357 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
This course explores psychological and behavioral factors involved with organizational design and effectiveness leadership, personnel selection, placement, training, promotion retention morale, job satisfaction and productivity. Prerequisite: PSYC 3325.
PSYC 4360 Clinical and Counseling Psychology
This course introduces the methods of applying psychological principles to the diagnosis and treatment of emotional and behavioral problems and providing help with problems of social adjustment and vocational and educational goals. Prerequisites: PSYC 3325.
PSYC 4363 Systems and Theories in Psychology
A history of the development of psychology and a study of theories in contemporary psychology. Prerequisites: Capstone course; 24 hours of psychology including PSYC 2301, 2401 and 3325.
PSYC 4380 Direct Research
Students will have the opportunity to conduct faculty-supervised research in an area of mutual interest resulting in oral and written presentations of their work to other students and faculty. The course will provide an opportunity to obtain hands-on research experience for undergraduate students who intend to pursue graduate degrees. May be repeated for up to six hours credit. Prerequisites: PSYC 2401 and PSYC 3325, and consent of instructor.
PSYC 4381 Psychology Internship
An extensive application of psychological concepts and skills within a community organization, government agency, mental health setting or business enterprise related to the student's career goals. Specific assignments will vary by instructor and internship site. Prerequisites: Nine hours of psychology and consent of instructor.
PSYC 4382 Direct Readings
Students will complete individually assigned readings on a selected topic under the supervision of a faculty member with whom specific arrangements have been made. Prerequisites: Nine hours of psychology and consent of instructor.
PSYC 4383 Special Problems
Selected topics assigned according to the interest of the class and/or student. Sequential registration for up to nine hours is permitted as topics vary. Prerequisites: Nine hours of psychology and consent of instructor.