Mohammad Bhatti
Ph.D. The University of Notre Dame Indiana,
Lab: 1.152, Physical Science building, Edinburg
Phone: 956-457-3138
PHYS 1401.90L, PHYS 2425.90L, PHYS 2426.02
Office hours: 1:30-3:00 pm, TTH, online anytime
Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Dr. Muhammad Bhatti, collaborators, and students ha ve established research in theoretical Atomic and Molecular and Optical Physics, Quantum Information, Environmental Physics, Alternative Energy Resources, Computational Physics, and Mathematical Sciences. The group has been developing new powerful techniques, B-splines, and B-Polynomials, including parallel computation algorithms to computational physics for solving fundamental problems in physics. These techniques are currently being applied to exploring precision structure of matter, linear and non-linear problems in optics, quantum computers, and new research about cancer cell treatment using Electromagnetic Radio Frequency (RF) waves. Furthermore , precision atomic structure is explored using relativistic many-body perturbation theory technique and relativistic corrections.
SciSpace publication link:
- Computational data of molybdenum disulfide/graphene bilayer heterojunction under strain, Authors: Nicholas Dimakis , Sanju Gupta, Razeen Waduda , Muhammad I. Bhatti, Data in Brief 42 (2022) 108054,
- Technique to solve linear fractional differential equations using B-polynomial bases, Authors: Muhammad I. Bhatti *, Md. Habibur Rahman, Fractal Fract. 2021, 5, 208.
- Approximate solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations using B-polynomial bases Muhammad I. Bhatti, Md. Habibur Rahman, and N. Dimakis, Fractal Fract. 2021, 5, 106.
- Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Waves Induce Cancer Cell Death, Muhammad Bhatti, Juan Lopez and Megan Keniry, Journal of Oncology Translational Research Volume 6, Issue 2, 2020.
- Results of hyperbolic partial differential equations in B-poly basis Muhammad Bhatti, Emilio Hinojosa, (2020) J. Phys. Commun.
- Li and Na adsorption on graphene and graphene oxide examined by density functional theory, quantum theory of atoms in molecules, and electron localization function, Nicholas Dimakis, Isaiah Salas, Luis Gonzalez, Om Vadodaria, Korrina Ruiz, Muhhamed I. Bhatti, Molecules 2019, 24, 754; doi:10.3390/molecules 24040754, 2019.
- Solution of mathematical model for gas solubility using fractional-order Bhatti Polynomials, Muhammad Bhatti, Paul Bracken, Nicholas Dimakis and Armando Herrera, J. Phys. Commun. 2 (2018) 085013
- Radio Frequency Electromagnetic waves induce cancer cell death, Muhammad Bhatti, Juan Lopez, and Megan Keniry, J. Cancer Sci. ther., Volume 9, Issue 7, 2017, DOI: 10.4172/1948-5958-C1-108, 2017.
- Plane Wave Solutions of a Quantum Fractional Schrödinger Equation and Uncertainty Principle, M. I. Bhatti, Current Trends in Technology and Science ISSN:2279-0535, Volume: VI Issue: II, p. 707, 2017.
- Solution of Fractional Harmonic oscillator in a Fractional B-Poly Basis, M. I. Bhatti, doi: 10.12966/pts.06.01.2014, June 2014, v.2, p. 8-13 Solution of Fractional Harmonic Oscillator in a Fractional B-poly Basis
- Analytic Matrix Elements of the Schrödinger Equation, M. I. Bhatti, Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 7, 2013, no. 1, 11 – 23
- Solutions of the Harmonic Oscillator in a B-Polynomial Basis, M. I. Bhatti, Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 3, 2009, no. 12, 451-460.
- Periodic Solutions of the Duffing Equation, M. I. Bhatti, M. Lara, P. Bracken, Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, 2, 2008, 8, 365-372.
- Fractional Schrödinger Equation and Fractional Uncertainty Principle, Muhammad Bhatti, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, 2, (2007), 19, 943-950.
- Solution of differential equations in a Bernstein polynomial basis, M. Bhatti, P. Bracken, J. Comp. and Applied Math, 205 (2007),7, 272-280.
- Nonlinear effects in quantum mechanics of the Schrödinger equation, Muhammad I. Bhatti, Paul Bracken, Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. 1, 2007, 2, 87-98.
- Soliton Solutions Obtained from the Duffing Equation, Muhammad Bhatti and Paul Bracken, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, 2 (2007), 7, 319-331.
- Numerical Solutions of the Burger’s Equation in a B-polynomial basis, Muhammad Bhatti and Dambaru Bhatta, Phys. Scr., 73 (2006), 1-6
- Integrals in B-splines for atomic and molecular properties, Muhammad I. Bhatti and Paul Bracken, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 172 (2006) 91-100.
- Solutions of the Radial Dirac equation in a B-Polynomial basis, Muhammad I. Bhatti and Warren F. Perger, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38, 1-6, 2005.
- Numerical Solutions of the KdV equation using modified Bernstein polynomials, Dambaru Bhatta and Muhammad Bhatti, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 174 (2006) 1255-1268.
- On Fractional Schrödinger and Dirac Equations, Muhammad I. Bhatti and Lokenath Debnath, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 15, 1-11 (2004).
- Using an inquiry approach to teach science to secondary school science teachers, J. W. McBride, Muhammad I. Bhatti, M. A Hannan, and Martin Feinberg, Journal of Physics Education, 39, 434, (2004).
- Static Polarizabilities of hydrogen in the B-spline basis set, Muhammad I. Bhatti, Kevin D. Coleman, and W. F. Perger, Physical Review A, 68, 044503, (2003).
- A distributed-processing environment for solving the atomic many-body problems, Warren Perger, G. F. Willard, M. I. Bhatti, and Ken Fkurchick, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS, Williamsburg, Virginia, 2002, 53, p. 73, 2002.
- MCDF calculations of the Specific Mass Shift in helium-like ions, Muhammad I. Bhatti, Manuel Bucardo and Waren F. Perger, J. Phys. B, 34, 1, 2001.
- Measurements and calculations of the metastable level lifetimes in FeX,FeXI,FeXII,Fe XIII and Fe XIV, D. P. Moehs, Muhammad I. Bhatti, and D. A. Church, Physical Review A, 63, 32515, 2001.
- An Integrated Symbolic and Numeric Techniques in Atomic Physics, W. F. Perger, Min, Xia, Ken Flurchick, and Muhammad. I. Bhatti, Computing in Science and Engineering, page 38, Jan/Feb. 2001.
- Measured Metastable Level Lifetimes of Excited Configurations in Cl-like Mn IX and FeX, (D. A. Church, D. P. Moehs, M. Idrees Bhatti, W. F. Perger), Physical Review Letter, 85, 38-41, (2000).
- Precision and Accuracy of Lifetimes of Metastable Levels Using the Kingdon Trap Technique, (D. A. Church, D. P. Moehs and M. Idrees Bhatti), International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Volume 192, 149-155, 1999 .
- Warren Perger, Janaki Dantuluru, Ken Flurchick, and Muhammad Idrees Bhatti, "Many-Body Perturbation-theory calculations using a symbolic approach," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Toronto, Canada, vol. 40, no. 4, page 1291, 1995.
- Relativistic Calculation of Specific Mass Shift for Ar+, Ni, and Kr+ using a multiconfiguration Dirac- Fock Approach, (W.F. Perger and M. Idrees Bhatti), CPC 85, 389, 1995.
- Warren Perger, Janaki Dantuluru, Ken Flurchick, and Muhammad Idrees Bhatti, "Many-Body Perturbation-theory calculations using a symbolic approach," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Washington, D.C., vol. 40, no. 2, page 999, 1995.
- Symbolic program for generating the many-body perturbation-theory formulas, (with W. F. Perger, Dantulura, M. Idrees Bhatti, Flurchick ), in Proceedings of the 6 th Joint EPS-APS International Conference on Physics Computing, edited by R. Griber and M. Tomassini (European Physical Society, Geneva, Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland, 1994), pp. 507-510.
- Dynamic correlation effects in K-shell hole production by fast protons, (E. Lindroth, J.F. Reading and A.L. Ford, M. Idrees Bhatti, J. Phys. B 26, 4585, 1993.
- Collision Spectroscopy of Low-Energy U 5+ beam Ions, D. A. Church, M. Druetta, R. Dunford, C. -J. Liu, M. Idrees Bhatti, C. F. Fischer and V. M. Umar), J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 9, 2159, 1992.
- Isotope Shifts and Hyperfine-splitting Constants of 4d-5p Transition of Kr II at lambda=729 nm, (H. A. Schuessler, A. Alousi, Y. F. Li, F. Buchinger, R. M. Evans, M. Idrees Bhatti, and C. F. Fischer), Phys. Rev. A 45, 6459, 1992.
- Paul Discrepancy and Basis State Calculations, M. Idrees Bhatti, J. F. Reading and A. L. Ford), J. Phys. B 24, 2443, 1991.
- First-principles Relativistic Calculations of the Fine-Structure Intervals and Magnetic Dipole Transition Probabilities in the 1s 2 2p Configuration of the Lithium Isoelectronic Sequence, B. P. Das and E. P. Venugopa, M. Idrees Bhatti, Phys. Rev. A 42, 6903 (1990).
- Some theoretical aspects of the group IIIA ion atomic clocks: Intercombination transition probabilities, M. Idrees Bhatti, B. P. Das), Phys. Rev. A 42, 6900 (1990).
- Spline methods for resonances in photoionization cross-sections, C. F.Fischer, M. Idrees Bhatti, J. Phys. B 23, 679, 1990.
- Multiconfigurational Dirac-Fock calculation of the forbidden M1 transitions in the Beryllium isoelectronic sequence, M. Idrees Bhatti, B. P. Das), J. Phys. B 22, 3609 (1989).
- Fine structure splitting of some high-L rydberg states of helium, (M. Idrees Bhatti, C. F. Fischer), Nuc. Ins. And Meths in Phys. Research B 42, 552 (1989).
- B-spline algorithm and application to photoionization in atoms, C. F. Fischer, M. Idrees Bhatti, Computers in Physics, May/June, 54 (1989).
- Autoionization rates for some core excited quintet states in Na-, (C. F. Fischer, M. Idrees Bhatti), Physica Scripta 39, 70 (1986).
- Second-order energies and third-order matrix elements of Alkali-metal atoms, (W. R. Johnson, M. Idrees Bhatti and J. Sapirstein), Phys. Rev. A 35, 3218 (1987).
- Weak Interaction effects in heavy atomic systems II, (W. R. Johnson, D. S. Guo, M. Idrees Bhatti and J. Sapirstein), Phys. Rev. A 34, 1043 (1986).
- Weak Interaction effects in heavy atomic systems I, (W. R. Johnson, D. S. Guo, M. Idrees Bhatti and J. Sapirstein), Phys. Rev. A 32, 1043 (1985).
- Chemical effects on the 2D5/2: 2D3/2 branching ration of the 5D photoionization of Pb, (J. Barth, F. Gerken, C Kunz, V. Radiojevic, M. Idrees Bhatti, and W. R. Johnson), Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2133 (1985).
- Squeezed states in multiphoton absorption process, (M. S. Zubairy, M. S. K. Razmi and Saleem Iqbal, M. Idrees Bhatti), Phys. Rev. Lett. 98A, 168 (1983).
- A one parameter model potential for noble metals, (M. Idrees Bhatti, Farid A. Khwaja and M. S. K. Razmi), Solid State Communication 41, 469 (1982).
- A comparative study of the pseudopotentials for noble metals (Cu, Ag, Au), (M. Idrees Bhatti, Farid A. Khwaja and M. S. K. Razmi), Physica Status Solidi(b) 107, 2 (1981).