UTRGV Choral Ensembles
The University Choir is the elite choral ensemble on the Edinburg campus that studies and performs a wide variety of choral music, from madrigals and folk songs to modern arrangements and masterworks. Enrollment requires an audition, but is open to all university students regardless of major.
May be repeated for additional credit. Prerequisite: Audition required.
Master Chorale is a large choral ensemble that studies and performs outstanding choral literature of all eras and styles, but mostly major works with the Valley Symphony Orchestra. Enrollment requires an audition, but is open to all university students regardless of major.
May be repeated for additional credit. Prerequisite: Audition required.
Please note Choir is offered on both campuses, allowing students to register and rehearse on their home campus.
See the campus specific rehearsal schedule below:
Chamber Choir- rehearsal schedule is Mondays and Wednesdays 2:00 pm - 4:45 pm at the Performing Arts Complex A – A1.308 on the Edinburg campus.
University Choir- rehearsal schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30 pm - 3:15 pm at the Performing Arts Complex A – A1.308 on the Edinburg campus.
Master Chorale- rehearsal schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30 pm - 3:15 pm at the BMSLC- Multi Purpose room on the Brownsville campus.
Contact Information
Dr. Sean Taylor
Dr. Matthew Coffey