Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
Vision Statement
We strive to be a leader in the transformation of healthcare and the future growth of the South Texas Region through education, research and service.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Medical Laboratory Science Program is to provide a quality educational experience which prepares Medical laboratory scientists for leadership roles in a multicultural health care system. Excellence in teaching is enhanced by faculty engaged in research, creative activities as well as professional service to the Profession, the University and the Community.
MLS Program Application Forms
Congratulations to Dr. Villarreal and Prof. Briones-Garcia on your well-deserved promotion to Clinical Associate Professor!
She is an inspiration to previous and current MLS students.
The MLS program is very proud of you! CONGRATULATIONS!
Congratulations to Dr. Daniela Gill for successfully defending her DCLS project.
The medical laboratory science program has acquired clinical laboratory instrumentation for clinical chemistry, clinical hematology, and clinical microbiology testing. If you would like to pursue research that involves laboratory testing (in humans), please take us into consideration as we can perform the laboratory testing for you.
I would like to invite you to take a few moments to review our clinical chemistry instruments’ test menu.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns to program coordinator Daniela Gill ( Once all instruments are “live,” we can send out an invite where you will be welcomed to stop by to learn about our instruments’ capabilities. We are in the installation process at this time.
Medical Laboratory Science Week 2022
Congratulations to Professor Villarreal for passing her specialist in Hematology ASCP certification exam.
Congratulations to Professor Aguirre.
Office of Innovation and Commercialization have granted a patent for invention.
Professor Aguirre was part of a cancer study at the University of Texas - Brownsville during 2005-2008. One of the aims of this study was to investigate whether diet was significantly correlated with the low incidence of breast cancer among Mexican-American women that has been evidenced in previous studies when compared to non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black women. Her role was to run hormone analyses and lab tests on this and other studies that were also being conducted simultaneously with this cancer study.
Her primary role; however, was to develop a method for the detection of three phytoestrogens (daidzein, equal, and genistein), which are plant metabolites, in the urine of these participants. There were a few published studies at the time which had used similar methods. After much research and planning, using HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) which is separation analysis and photodiode array which uses UV light as a detector, Professor Aguirre developed a method for the detection of these metabolites. The method involved a series of steps in preparation of the urine and various solvents for the separation of the analytes. All samples were analyzed using a Waters 2695 Separations HPLC module equipped with a 2996 photodiode array detector (Waters, Millford, Massachusetts, USA). Chromatographic processing was done using the Waters Empower™ 2 Software. Professor Aguirre evaluated the method for reliability (accuracy and precision) for each analyte which met the expected CV < 20% overall. A patent application was filed by the University during September 2018, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office communicated their findings on October 4, 2021, that a patent would be granted.
Congratulations to Maria Luisa Villalon de Davila (2020-2021 cohort) for being awarded the ASCP Laboratory Student Scholarship.
ASCP received hundreds of applications for this school cycle. We are pleased to announce that our UTRGV MLS student, Maria Luisa, was awarded to receive the ASCP Laboratory Student Scholarship Award.
Governor Abbott has proclaimed this week to be Medical Laboratory Professionals Week.
UTRGV receives federal grant to provide scholarships for students aspiring to become clinical laboratory scientists
Monday, July 13, 2020 -By Letty Fernandez
RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS – UTRGV has been awarded a $1.15 million grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) to help provide scholarships to aspiring students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds.
UTRGV will receive $230,000 per year for five years from the Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (SDS) program. The funding will help support the UTRGV Clinical Laboratory Science Program (CLS) in its efforts to actively recruit talented students interested in the CLS profession.
Congratulations to Professors Daniela Gill and Sandie Tijerina
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Sandra Tijerina – Associate Professor; |
Daniela Gill- Clinical Assistant Professor |
Scholarships For Disadvantaged Students provided by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) for the CLS program
Period of Funding: 07/01/2020 – 06/30/2025
PI: Daniela Gill, MSHS, MLS(ASCP)CM and
Co-PI: Sandra L. Tijerina, MS, MLS(ASCP)cmSBB,SH(ASCP)cm
Shortened Abstract: The Clinical Laboratory Science Program requests SDS scholarship support for a total of 20 disadvantaged students enrolled in the Clinical Laboratory Science Program. The CLS program facilitates the mission of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley by providing a quality educational experience which prepares medical laboratory scientists students for leadership roles in a multicultural healthcare system. Becoming part of the SDS program will allow disadvantaged students in the Rio Grande Valley to obtain higher education in a rigorous and under-staffed healthcare profession. The high increase of laboratory tests being developed, including novel molecular testing requires trained, specialized medical laboratory scientists to perform, analyze and interpret laboratory data. Providing accurate laboratory results to the physician will decrease healthcare costs as well as increase positive patient outcomes. The UTRGV CLS program remains committed to provide healthcare professionals in medically underserved communities.
It is an honor to present the newest cohort to the Clinical Laboratory Science Program. This is the 43 rd cohort to be admitted to the program. The first cohort started in 1976. The white coat ceremony was held on Friday, September 27, 2019.
April 14, 2020 |
Name: Jo-Ann Galindo Why UTRGV? |
Names Left to Right: Victoria Rodriguez, Marco Ibarra, Paulina Flores, Roxanne Cano, Luis Salinas (Team Captain), Mrs. Sandra Tijerina (CLS Program Director), Mr. Duncan Samo (TACLS President)
UTRGV Clinical Laboratory Science Program students competed at the state Texas Association for Clinical Laboratory Science Student Bowl and placed 3 rd. There were 11 teams from various universities and hospitals competing
Online Clinical Micro being offered Summer I 2019
If you still need to take clinical microbiology which is a prerequisite for nursing, CLS, and other health majors, the College of Health Professions is now offering Clinical Microbiology in Healthcare fully online for Summer I 2019. Please register for both Lecture CLSC 2429-01 and Lab CLSC 2429A. Registration will open March 4, 2019.
Watch the Clinical Laboratory Science White Coat Ceremony 2018 - 2019 here.
The Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program White Coat Ceremony for the 2018-2019 cohort. ( Photo courtesy of David Pezzat Photographers.)
“Congratulations to CLS students and faculty on the 100% pass rate achieved by December 2016 graduates at the National Board of Certification Exam! Well done!”
UTRGV’s Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program selected as Examples of Excelencia finalist - RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS – AUG. 10, 2016 – Excelencia in Education , a nonprofit organization focused on the success of Latino students, has announced the selection of the UTRGV Clinical Laboratory Sciences (CLS) Program as one of 20 finalists for its national Examples of Excelencia awards.
The Department of Health and Biomedical Sciences is offering the course Clinical Microbiology in Health Care in Brownsville for pre nursing, pre nutrition and pre CLS students for the first time. We need more students to enroll in this class for the Brownsville campus. If enrollment is less than 15 students, then the class will have to be postponed until Spring 2017. That course is currently being offered in Edinburg.
Congratulations to faculty and students!
The Clinical Laboratory Science Program Pass rate on the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification exam (national) for the Fall 2014 graduating cohort is 95.5%. Retention rates for that cohort were 100% as per certification standards. 95.5% of the Fall 2015 graduating class (21 out 22) found jobs within one month of graduation.