APPLY NOW REQUEST INFO GRADUATE COLLEGEThe Master of Science degree in criminal justice requires the successful completion of a total of 36 graduate semester hours. In addition, all students must complete an exit survey and those not in the research project or thesis options must pass a comprehensive written examination, testing knowledge from the core courses.
Students are expected to make satisfactory progress in the program. All students must maintain an overall 3.0 grade point average at all times. Any student who receives two C’s in the core will be withdrawn from the program, while two C’s in the electives will result in being placed on probation. At this time, all classes are offered after 4:30 pm, in Edinburg, and in the classroom. Click below to view requirements.
Master of Science in Criminal Justice Comprehensive Exam Guide
Master of Science in Criminal Justice (AOP) Degree Plan
Master of Science in Criminal Justice (Traditional) Degree Plan
Contact Information
Dr. Marika Dawkins
Traditional (Face-To-Face)
Graduate Program Coordinator
Edinburg Campus – ELABN 307
(956) 665-3708
Dr. Gordon Crews
Accelerated Online Program
Department Chair
Edinburg Campus – ELABN 321
(956) 665-3566