
Recent Publications

Montiel-Nava, C., Vargas, I., Gonzalez-Avila, Z., Montenegro, M.C. & Ramirez A.C. (2023). Pilgrimage for an Autism Diagnosis: A study of Venezuelan parents’ experiences. Transcultural Psychiatry. 

Montiel-Nava, C., Montenegro, M. C., & Ramirez, A. C. (2023). One world. One autism? A commentary on using an intersectionality framework to study autism in low-resourced communities. Journal Psychology: Theory and Practice, 25(2), ePTPCP15905.

Montiel-Nava, C., Montenegro, M. C., Ramirez, A. C., Valdez, D., Rosoli, A., Garcia, R., Garrido, G., Cukier, S., Rattazzi, A., & Paula, C. S. (2023). Age of autism diagnosis in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 13623613221147345. Advance online publication.

Ramirez AC, Grebe SC, McNeel MM, Limon DL, Schneider SC, Berry LN, Goin-Kochel RP, Cepeda SL, Voigt RG, Salloum A, Storch EA. Parent-led, stepped-care cognitive-behavioral therapy for youth with autism and co-occurring anxiety: study rationale and method. Braz J Psychiatry. 2020 Nov-Dec;42(6):638-645. doi: 10.1590/1516-4446-2020-0897. PMID: 32520166; PMCID: PMC7678910.

Montenegro, M. C., Bernal, E., Cukier, S., Valdez, D., Rattazzi, A., Garrido, G., Rosoli, A., Silvestre Paula, C., Garcia, R., & Montiel-Nava, C. (2022). Age of diagnosis, service access, and rights of autistic individuals in Argentina: Caregivers reports of changes and similarities across time. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 915380.

Montenegro, M. C., Abdul-Chani, M., Valdez, D., Rosoli, A., Garrido, G., Cukier, S., Paula, C. S., Garcia, R., Rattazzi, A., & Montiel-Nava, C. (2022). Perceived stigma and barriers to accessing services: Experience of caregivers of autistic children residing in Latin America. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 120, 104123.

Montenegro, M.C, Ramírez, A.C., Hernandez Rodriguez, J., Villalobos, B.T., Garrido, G., Amigo, C.., Valdez, D., Barrios, N., Cukier, S., Rattazzi, A., Rosoli, A., García, R., Paula, C.S., Pérez Liz, G & Montiel-Nava, C. (2022). Where I am from matters: Factors influencing behavioral and emotional changes in autistic individuals during COVID-19 in Latin America. Frontiers in Psychiatry (Submitted for Publication)

Montiel-Nava, C. Valdez, D., Rosoli, A., Garrido, G., Cukier, S., Silvestre Paula, C., García, R., Irarrázaval, M., Rattazzi, A., Valdez, D. (ed.). 2019. Autismo en Latinoamérica. Conocer y comprender lo que sucede para mejorar las prácticas. In Valdez, (ed.)., Autismo. Claves para la intervención psicoeducativa. Lima, Perú: Ediciones Libro Amigo