
TMAC's Quality Solutions delivers an array of services, training, and certifications that enable you to reduce variation, cut energy cost, manage resources, and maintain a safe work environment. Whether your company seeks a single hazardous materials course or a fully integrated quality management system, TMAC's training and implementation services are tailored to fit your company.

Quality Management Systems

ISO/TS trainings consist on evaluating current procedures, forms, and records in order to be ready for auditing. A general overview on ISO/TS is given to those who are involved in the process of implementing ISO in their company. Topics include: Meeting the Requirements of ISO/TS, Understanding Basic Auditing Principles, Seeking Objective/Audit Evidence through Documentation, Ground Rules for Auditors, Planning Ahead for an Effective Audit, Performing an Internal Audit, Reporting Audit Results, Closing out Corrective Action and Exercise/Role-Plays.

ISO Benefits

  • Minimizes defect and inefficiencies caused by variance.
  • Can reduce the number and scope of customer surveys.
  • Focuses effort on continuous improvement and prevention instead of reaction.
  • Encourages management prioritization of process changes.
  • Consistency throughout the company.
  • Improved supplier and customer communication.