Administrative Core
The Administrative Core is the central executive unit of the Rio Grande Valley Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (AD-RCMAR). The purpose of the Administrative Core is to assist with the leadership, coordination, and communication among all activities and other research Cores.
The Administrative Core provides support in program direction, administrative assistance, and oversight of functions for the three Cores and the Research Education component. The Administrative Core is made up of an Executive Committee which has oversight from the Internal Advisory Board and External Advisory Board.
The Executive Committee, under the leadership of Dr. Gladys Maestre, focuses on providing cost-effective administrative coordination by providing:
- Support for grant administration
- Budget management
- Coordination of submission, review, and selection of Pilot grant recipients
- Communication and collaboration with AD-RCMAR partners
- Evaluations of each Core, the Research Education component, and the AD-RCMAR as a whole
Executive Committee
Internal Advisory Board
The Internal Advisory Board’s goal is to develop and maintain community relationships among the AD-RCMAR, UTRGV activities, and institutional policies.
Internal Advisory Board Members
External Advisory Board
The External Advisory Board is responsible for reviewing project-wide operations, evaluation reports, and progress toward performance goals.