Learn about RCMARs
National Institute on Aging (NIA), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Supported by the NIA, "Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) are designed (1) to enhance the diversity of the aging research workforce by mentoring promising scientists from under-represented groups for sustained careers in aging research in priority areas of social, behavioral, and economic research on aging, and (2) to develop infrastructure to promote advances in these areas while simultaneously increasing the number of researchers focused on health disparities and the health and well-being of minority elders."
RCMAR Coordinating Center at Gerontological Society of America
"The RCMAR National Coordinating Center supports the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and its RCMAR grantees in increasing the diversity of the aging research workforce and is a resource for RCMAR center leaders, scientists and staff."
Research Resources
Available with prior permission to qualified RGV AD-RCMAR scholar-scientists.
Analytical support:
- Please see RGV AD-RCMAR Analytical Core page.
Data and biomaterials from NIH-supported, large-scale longitudinal studies:
- Maracaibo Aging Study
- San Antonio Family Study
- Genetics of Brain Structure
Other Resource Sources
Texas Alzheimer's Research and Care Consortium (TARCC)
Data Resources for Behavioral and Social Research on Aging
- Please see NIA web page at link below.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Gladys E. Maestre (PI)
Dr. John Blangero (Analytical Core Leader)