MFA Creative Writing Graduate Courses
in English for UTRGV beginning Fall 2015
CRWT 6334 — Introduction to the Profession of Creative Writing
A course designed to orient students to the profession of creative writers and creative writing teachers covering such issues as journal and book publication, conference attendance, job hunting, professional presentation through cvs and query letters, and success within the profession.
ENGL 6335 — Special Topics in Form and Theory of Creative Writing
A Form and Theory course devoted to a particular special topic in a genre. Students read, write and critique work in that genre or subgenre. May be repeated when topic changes
ENGL 6336 — Form & Theory - short fiction
A workshop course devoted to the craft of fiction writing. Students read, write and critique literary fiction. CRWT 6337 Form & Theory--Non fiction Advanced study of creative nonfiction. Includes workshops of student writing, along with close analysis of published literary nonfiction and craft commentary by contemporary writers of creative nonfiction.
ENGL 6338 — Form & Theory - poetry
Advances study of contemporary poetry, with an emphasis on writing original poems and discussing them in a workshop format, along with the close reading and analysis of published poems and poetry collections.
ENGL 6339 — Form & Theory - the novel
Studies in the elements and structure of the novel, including narrative design, character development, voice, tone, dialogue, point of view, imagery, and plot.
ENGL 6340 — Form & Theory - play writing
A graduate level form and theory course designed to strengthen and enhance the student's writing while reading widely in the many forms of dramatic literature.
ENGL 6341 — Form & Theory - screenwriting
A graduate level form and theory course designed to strengthen and enhance the student's writing while reading widely in the many forms of film literature.
ENGL 6342 — Form & Theory - graphic literature
A graduate level form and theory course designed to strengthen and enhance the student's writing while reading widely in the many forms of graphic literature.
ENGL 6343 — Literary Translation Workshop
A workshop course devoted to the craft of literary translation, primarily Spanish/English.
ENGL 6344 — Special Topics in Writing Literary Genres
A graduate level course in reading literature as a writer whether in a single genre, across genres or defined by an historical moment or literary movement. May be repeated as topic changes.
ENGL 6345 — Fiction Workshop
A workshop course devoted to the craft of fiction writing. Students read, write and critique literary fiction. CRWT 6346 Creative Nonfiction Workshop Advanced study of creative nonfiction. Includes workshops of student writing, along with close analysis of published literary nonfiction and craft commentary by contemporary writers of creative nonfiction.
ENGL 6346 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
Advanced study of creative nonfiction. Includes workshops of student writing, along with close analysis of published literary nonfiction and craft commentary by contemporary writers of creative nonfiction.
ENGL 6347 — Poetry Workshop
Advances study of contemporary poetry, with an emphasis on writing original poems and discussing them in a workshop format, along with the close reading and analysis of published poems and poetry collections.
ENGL 6348 — Playwriting Workshop
A workshop course devoted to the craft of playwriting. Students will read, write, and critique dramatic fiction. The first time they take the course they will write (and rewrite) a one act play. The second time they take the course they will write (and rewrite) a full length play.
ENGL 6349 — Screenwriting Workshop
A workshop course devoted to the craft of screenwriting. Students will read, write, and critique screenplays. The first time they take the course they will write (and rewrite) a 60 page screenplay. The second and third time they will write (and rewrite) a full length screenplay (120 pages).
ENGL 6350 — Graphic Literature Workshop
A workshop course devoted to the writing of graphic literature with emphasis on students writing original graphic literature and discussing them in a workshop format along with the study of contemporary published writers in the field.
ENGL 6351 — Teaching Creative Writing
The course will prepare potential creative writing instructors to teach creative writing at various educational levels (the primary focus will be secondary education)
ENGL 6352 — Special Topics Workshop in Creative Writing
Advanced study for creative writing with emphasis on a specific genre, includes workshops of student work and formal study of craft and genre.
ENGL 6353 Critical Engagement
Critical Engagement Readings for Writers. This course explores literary engagement with the surrounding social context and issues of our times. Depending on the expertise and interest of the instructor, topics and focus may vary and engage critical theory, intersectional identities (race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, nations, dis/ability etc.), and/or the pursuit of social justice in creative writing texts.
MFA Creative Writing Graduate Courses
in Spanish for UTRGV beginning Fall 2015
SPAN 6330 — Spanish Creative Writing: Short Story
SPAN 6331 — Spanish Creative Writing: Poetry
SPAN 6332 — Spanish Creative Writing: Playwriting
SPAN 6633 — Special Studies in Creative Writing
SPAN/TRSP — 6343 Translation Workshop - English to Spanish
SPAN/TRSP — 6347 Translation Technologies