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You must plan ahead in the event of a tropical storm or hurricane. Students, faculty, staff and their families should develop their own personal emergency plans in the event the Rio Grande Valley is threatened by a storm. These plans at a minimum should address the following:
Communications: Designate an out-of-state, or outside of the immediate area, relative or friend to serve as a family contact. Be prepared to notify your contact to let them know your plan before a storm and that you are ok after.
Supplies: Build or purchase an emergency kit with all the supplies you will need to last 3-5 days. Make sure to get cash and refill any prescriptions. Use these links to learn more:
Protection of Valuables: Make sure your personal/ rental insurance is up-to-date and take pictures/ inventory your personal possessions. Pick up all items from the floors and store in drawers and closets. Move furniture away from windows. Bring inside any items you may have on balconies or other open areas. Unplug all electronic equipment.
Protection of Data: Back up computer data and take a copy with you. Unplug your computer and move it off the floor to a more protected area like a closet. Place your paper documents in waterproof containers and take with them you if possible.
Transportation: Keep your car filled with gas and check all fluids and tire pressures (including spare). Know how you will evacuate and the route you will take if an evacuation order is issued.
Shelter: Local shelters should only be considered as a last resort and every effort should be made to evacuate the area. Hurricane evacuation shelters are designed for safety, not comfort. Accommodations are extremely basic. Students who need to stay in a local shelter should be prepared to sleep on the floor of a common area. Food and water will be provided, but we recommend that students bring a sleeping bag, a pillow, snacks and all prescription medications.