Sophia Alvarado

Years in the program: 2024
Mentor: Dr. Teresa Patricia Feria-Arroyo
Title of Project/Presentations:
Teresa Patricia Feria Arroyo, Sophia M. Alvarado, Ingrid Moreno. The ecological, economic, cultural, and medicinal importance of Opuntia spp., species, also known as prickly pear cactus and nopal. Subtropical Agricultural & Environments Society (SAES) 79th Annual Conference, February 27-28th, 2025.
Where I am now:
I am a Junior and currently continuing my research mentorship with Dr. Teresa Feria-Arroyo. I am studying the ecological, economic, cultural, and medicinal importance of Opuntia spp., species, also known as prickly pear cactus and nopal. This research study aims to assess the perception of knowledge of the Opuntia species and the benefits it produces among residents of Rio Grande Valley, Texas. I have learned so much since I had the privilege of joining the EFAS program. To understanding how to conduct research, furthering my teamwork skills while working with my research partner Ingrid Moreno, learning new research processes such as research approval’s and creating and conducting a qualitative survey. This experience I continue to have with the EFAS program is one I will never forget.
My plans are to earn my bachelor’s degree in science, majoring in sustainable agriculture and food systems. For the future, I hope to earn a master’s and doctoral degree in the field of plant science. I hope to one day become a plant scientist due to my passion for plants and plant science.