Natalia De Los Santos

Years in the program: 2024
Mentor: Dr. Myung Hwangbo, Dr. Jongsun Kim
Where I am now:
My most notable achievement last semester was collaborating on a scientific paper about nutrient levels in tap and drinking water with my partner, Mohammed Sadman as the author, myself as a co-author, and our mentor, Dr. Jongsun Kim. However, I have not received updates from my mentor regarding its publication status. This experience provided me with valuable insights into the scientific writing process.
Since the paper covers tap, drinking, and resaca water and has been reviewed by my mentor and co-author, would it be possible to send you the abstract?
Regarding my project on water sources, I was unable to incorporate resaca water into my tomato plants, as my mentor did not provide updates on acquiring it. Consequently, the project now focuses solely on tap and drinking water.
Overall, my plants are growing well, except for one radish pot that likely perished due to cold temperatures or insufficient watering while I was away in Mexico for a week and a half. Aside from this setback, the plants are thriving. My final task is to analyze how tomato seeds absorb nutrients and determine whether tap or drinking water is more effective for growth.