Marissa Llamas

Marissa Llamas

Years in the program: 2024

Mentor: Dr. Katherine Brown

Title of project/presentations:

  • Marissa Llamas, Dr. Katherine Brown, Dr. Clint Dawson, Dr. Eirik Valseth, Dr. Jennifer Proft. Developing a Flood Model in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Subtropical Agriculture and Environments Conference, February 27, 2025.

Where I am now:

I am currently going into my final year at The University of Texas, Austin where I will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Computer Science minor. I am excited to join the EFAS program and dedicate myself to gain hands-on research experience and offer meaningful contributions to agricultural science research. Beginning August 2024, I will conduct research with Dr. Katherine Brown and work on computational modeling problems related to extreme weather and soil. I am in a continuous cycle of learning, and I am excited to use these skills to challenge myself and leave positive impacts on the agricultural field.