Jasmin Canas

Years in the program: 2024
Mentor: Dr. Myung Hwangbo, Shahida Ferdousee
Where I am now:
My current research in the EFAS program consists of the Detection of E.coli in Lower Rio Grande Valley Resaca Waterways. My objective with this research is to investigate the abundance of E.coli in resaca waterways, with the aim of identifying key factors that influence this abundance and to examine the impact of agricultural practices on E. coli levels. During the research process I have learned how to collect samples, complete DNA extraction, PCR, and RT-PCR procedures. My results so far have come back inconclusive, but I am hoping to revise my research process to see if there is anything different, I can do to receive better results. The EFAS program has been a key part of helping me further my academic career by providing me with this opportunity to conduct lab research and gain hands on experience.