Ingrid Moreno

Ingrid Moreno

Years in the program: October 2024-February 2025

Mentors: Dr. Teresa Feria Arroyo

Title of Projects/Products:

Teresa Patricia Feria Arroyo, Sophia M. Alvarado, Ingrid Moreno. The ecological, economic, cultural, and medicinal importance of Opuntia spp., species, also known as prickly pear cactus and nopal. Subtropical Agricultural & Environments Society (SAES) 79th Annual Conference, February 27- 28th, 2025.

Where I am now:

My name is Ingrid Moreno, and I am a senior in the School of Integrative Biological and Chemical Sciences. I am currently preparing research on the economic, dietary, and medicinal properties of Opuntia spp. Prickly Pear also known as the nopal, along with my research partner Sophia Alvarado. This research aims to determine how much the Lower Rio Grande Valley region truly knows and if they are fully aware of its beneficial properties. As of today, I have learned that research is a tedious project and truly takes time. Additionally, throughout this research, I have been able to meet new people who are also interested in completing research of their own. Lastly, I am fascinated by the supportive and collaborative environment that EFAS has provided.  I hope that with this research, people begin to practice healthier habits with the nopal and share it’s benefits among family and friends.