Francisco Bazan

Years in the program: August 2019-March 2020.
Mentors: Dr. Hugh Conway, Dr. Bryce Blackman
Title of Projects/Products:
- Francisco Bazan*, Hugh Conway Dr. Teresa-Feria Arroyo, and Dr. Bryce Blackman Efficacy of X-ray irradiation to sterilize Mexican fruit fly (Anastrepha ludens) in Sterile Insect technique program. Subtropical Agriculture and Environments, held in person. February 2020.
Where I am now:
As of September 2023, I have graduated from STC with an Associates in Computer Science. I have currently transferred to UTRGV and am pursuing a bachelor's degree in cybersecurity, hopefully finishing by 2025. While in the EFAS program, I have learned about what it’s like to work in a laboratory setting as well as learn under Dr. Blackman and have Dr. Conway as a mentor. It was an amazing experience working at the Moorefield Air Base but unfortunately, I was not able to fully complete the time required in the program due to Covid-19 spreading in its early stages and I was sent home.