Alberto Salinas

Alberto Salinas

Years in the program: May 2024 - February 2025

Mentors: Dr. Jon Dale and Dr. Teresa Patricia Feria Arroyo

Title of projects/presentations:

The Effects of Using a Bio-stimulant Containing Indole-3-Butyric Acid Solution and Sulfuric Acid Treatments Regarding Seed Dormancy in 2 Native Thorn-scrub Species of the Rio Grande Valley

Where I am now: 

As of January 2025, I'll be in my second to last semester of getting my bachelor's in Environmental Science. This program got me an internship with American Forests, who's work focuses on restoring forests nationwide. Under the guidance of one of their nursery managers, I have focused my project on two species: Zanthoxylum fagara and Cordia boissieri, on which I performed germination treatments with the bio-stimulant solution and sulfuric acid in an attempt to reduce seed dormancy and enhance germination. This experience taught me valuable lessons about seeds and the way they function in their environment, alongside the aftermath of growing them for restoration. Hopefully this experience propels me towards a future in conservation and restoration, as well as obtaining a master's degree in this topic.