Research Area:
Strategic management, Corporate governance, Strategic change and Turnarounds, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Entrepreneurship
Abebe, Michael, Yamlaksira Getachew, and Sarah Kimakwa, "Entrepreneurs’ Ethnic and Political Identity Alignment as Determinants of Access to Government Support in Africa: A Conceptual Framework," Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46, 2, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2022, 449-476
Abebe, Michael and Husne Dadanlar, "From tokens to key players: The influence of board gender and ethnic diversity on corporate discrimination lawsuits," Human Relations, 74, 4, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2021, 527-555
Clauss, Thomas, Michael Abebe, Chanchai Tangpong, and Marianne Hock, "Strategic Agility, Business Model Innovation and Firm Performance: An empirical investigation," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68, 3, (June) 2021, 767-784
Abebe, Michael, Pingshu Li, Keshab Acharya, and Joshua Daspit, "The Founder CEO: A Review of Current Insights and Directions for Future Research," Corporate Governance: An International Review, 28, 6, (November) 2020, 406-436
Dadanlar, Husne and Michael Abebe, "Female CEO Leadership and the Likelihood of Corporate Diversity Misconduct: Empirical Evidence from S&P 500 Firms," Journal of Business Research, (September) 2020
Downey-Adams, Clara, sam doss, and Russell Adams,"Capturing Untapped Alternative Markets in Latin America," Western Hemispheric Trade Conference, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2021.
Downey, Clara, Russell Adams, and Sam Sale, "Firm Responsiveness during the Pandemic: Leveraging Internal Capabilities," (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022
Research Area:
“Quality of Service” of mobile transactions, modeling mobile transactions, multicast communications, wireless networks
Ahluwalia, Punit and Mohammad Merhi, "Understanding Country Level Adoption of ECommerce: A Theoretical Model Including Technological, Institutional, and Cultural Factors," Journal of Global Information Management, 2020
Merhi, Mohammad and Punit Ahluwalia, "Examining the impact of deterrence factors and norms on resistance to information systems security," Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 2019, 37-46
Merhi, Mohammad and Punit Ahluwalia, "A global examination of country-level factors impacting corruption,"International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 8, 1/2, 2021, 5-17 C.
Merhi, Mohammad and Punit Ahluwalia, "Digital economy and Corruption Perceptions:A Cross Country Analysis," The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, 18, 2018, 29--47 B.
Aguir, Wael, Brandon Ater, Andrew Anabila, and Christian Kuiate Sobngwi, "The Role of Shared Auditors in Loan Contracts," Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance-Forthcoming, 86, 87-97
Research Area:
Business intelligence and analytics
Andoh-Baidoo, Francis, Juan Chavarria, Mary Jones, Ying Wang, and Samer Takieddine, "Examining the State of Empirical Business Intelligence and Analytics Research: A Poly-Theoretic Approach," Information and Management, 56, 6, (September) 2022, 103677
Asamoah, David, Benjamin Agyei-Owusu, Francis Andoh Baidoo, and Emmanuel Ayaburi, "Interorganizational System Use and Supply Chain Performance: Mediating Role of Supply Chain Capabilities," International Journal of Information Management, (August) 2020, 293-308
Crossler, Robert, Francis Andoh Baidoo, and Philip Menard, "Espoused cultural values as antecedents of individuals’ threat and coping appraisal toward protective information technologies: Study of US and Ghana.," Information and Management, 56, 5, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2019, 754-766
Ayaburi, Emmanuel, James Wairimu, and Francis Andoh Baidoo, "Antecedents and Outcome of Deficient Self-Regulation in Unknown Wireless Networks Use Context: An Exploratory Study," Information Systems Frontiers, 21, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2019, 1213–1229
Offei, Martin, Francis Andoh Baidoo, Emmanuel Ayaburi, and David Asamoah, "How Do Individuals Justify and Rationalize their Criminal Behaviors in Online Romance Fraud?," Information Systems Frontier, (August) 2020, 1-17 A.
Atik, Deniz, Lena Cavusoglu, Zeynep Ozdamar Ertekin, and Fuat Firat, "Fashion, Consumer Markets, and Democratization," Journal of Consumer Behaviour, (May) 2022.
Cavusoglu, Lena and Deniz Atik, "Social Credibility: Trust Formation in Social Commerce," Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 6, 4, (August) 2021.
Ozdamar-Ertekin, Zeynep, Deniz Atik, and Jeff Murray, "The Logic of Sustainability: Institutional Transformation towards a New Culture of Fashion," Journal of Marketing Management, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2020.
Dholakia, Nikhilesh, Aras Ozgun, and Deniz Atik, "The Unwitting Corruption of Broadening of Marketing into Neoliberalism: A Beast Unleashed?"," European Journal of Marketing, 55, 3, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2020, 868-893.
Ozdamar-Ertekin, Zeynep and Deniz Atik, "Institutional Constituents of Change for a Sustainable Fashion System," Journal of Macromarketing, (June) 2020.
Research Area:
Adoption and diffusion of innovative information systems, health information systems, online transactions and communications
Moqbel, Murad, Mohammed Rahmen, Sunyoung Cho, and Barbara Hewitt, "Sustaining Patient Engagement: The Role of Health Emotion and Personality Traits in Patient Portal Continuous Use Decision," AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 12, 4, (December) 2020, 179-205
Cho, Sunyoung, ChongWoo Park, and Frank Lee, "Homophily and peer-consumer behavior in a peer-to-peer accommodation sharing economy platform," Behaviour & Information Technology, 41, 2, (March) 2022, 276-291
Yoo, Dong Kyoon and Sunyoung Cho, "Role of Habit and Value Perceptions on m- Learning Outcomes," Journal of Computer Information Systems, 60, 6, (December) 2020, 530-540 A.
Kim, Jongwoo, Sunyoung Cho, and Balasubramaniam Ramesh, "IT-leveraged network value cocreation: A case study of the value cocreation process and value capture in the South Korean broadcast advertising industry," European Journal of Information Systems, 28, 6, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2019, 646-662 A*.
Park, ChongWoo, Dong-gook Kim, Sunyoung Cho, and Hyo-Joo Han, "Adoption of multimedia technology for learning and gender difference," Computers in Human Behavior, 92, (March) 2019, 288-296 B.
Research Area:
Consumer wellbeing, wisdom, gratitude, materialism, hedonic adaptation, satiation, social forces.
Chugani, Sunaina, Jae-Eun Namkoong, and Hyunjung Lee, "The Effect of Gratitude on Materialism Through Reduced Entitlement and Perceived Scarcity," Journal of Business Research, 139, (February) 2022, 993-1003 High
Chugani, Sunaina and Julie Irwin, "All Eyes on You: The Social Audience and Hedonic Adaptation," Psychology and Marketing, 37, 11, (August) 2020, 1554-1570
Batat, Wided, Paula Peter, Emily Moscato, Iana Castro, Steven Chan, Sunaina Chugani, and Adrienne Muldrow, "The Experiential Pleasure of Food: A Savoring Journey to Food Well-Being," Journal of Business Research, 100, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2019, 392-399
Peifer, Jared, Sunaina Chugani, and Micah Roos, "The Ethical Underpinnings of Nonmaterialistic Values and Voluntary Simplicity Behavior in the United States," Psychology and Marketing, 37, 2, (November) 2019, 232-249
Laura Pricer, "The Role of Wisdom in Navigating Social Media Paradoxes: Implications for Consumers, Firms and Public Policy," Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56, 3, (June) 2022, 1127-1147
Research Area:
Economic Development, Education, Financial Intermediation, Migration, and Race
Contreras, Salvador and Amit Ghosh, "Local Banking Market Frictions and Youth Crime: Evidence from Bank Failures," Journal of Financial Services Research volume, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022
Contreras, Salvador, Luisa Blanco, and Amit Ghosh, "Impact of Great Recession bank failures on use of financial services among racial/ethnic and income groups," Southern Economic Journal, (March) 2022
Contreras, Salvador, Manthos Delis, Amit Ghosh, and Iftekhar Hasan, "Bank failures,local business dynamics, and government policy," Small Business Economics,2021
Contreras, Salvador, Amit Ghosh, and Iftekhar Hasan, "Income inequality and minority labor market dynamics: Medium term effects from the Great Recession,"Economics Letters, 199, 2021, 109717
Contreras, Salvador, Amit Ghosh, and Iftekhar Hasan, "Income inequality and minority labor market dynamics: Medium term effects from the Great Recession,"Economics Letters, 199, 2021, 109717
Chang, Ta-Cheng, John Darcy, Yu-Ting Hou, and Yun-Chia Yan, "Degree of Internationalization, Financial Structure and Cost of Capital:Evidence from Emerging Taiwan," Accounting and Finance Research, 11, 4, (November) 2022, 23-36 Other.
Darcy, John and Yun-Chia Yan, "Degree of Internationalization, Financial Structure and Cost of Capital: Evidence from Emerging Taiwan," Accounting and Finance Research, 11, 4, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2022, 23-36 Other.
Downey, Clara, Russell Adams, and Sam Sale, "Firm Responsiveness during the Pandemic: Leveraging Internal Capabilities," (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022
Downey-Adams, Clara, sam doss, and Russell Adams, "Capturing Untapped Alternative Markets in Latin America," Western Hemispheric Trade Conference, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2021.
Elnahas, Ahmed, Pankaj Jain, and Thomas McInish, "Mixed-signal stock splits," Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 49, 5-6, (May) 2022, 934-962
Elnahas, Ahmed, Md Noman Hossain, Binay Adhikari, Ivan Obaydin, and Ralf Zurbruegg, "Shareholder Litigation Rights and Stock Price Crash Risk," Journal of Corporate Finance, 66
Elnahas, Ahmed, Ghada Ismail, Rwan Elkhatib, and Kabir Hassan, "Islamic labeled firms: Revisiting Dow Jones measure of compliance," Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 48, 988-1021
Elnahas, Ahmed, Ghada Ismail, and Lei Gao, "Returns predictability: The dual signaling hypothesis of stock splits," The Financial Review, 54, 801-831 A.
Research Area:
Pricing, empirical industrial organization
King, Kelvin, Bin Wang, Diego Escobari, and Tamer Oraby, "Dynamic Effects of Falsehoods and Corrections on Social Media: A Theoretical Modeling and Empirical Verification," Journal of Management Information Systems, 38, 4,(December) 2021, 989-1010
Escobari, Diego and Damian Damianov, "Getting on and moving up the property ladder:Real hedging in the U.S. housing market before and after the crisis," Real Estate Economics, 2020 High
Escobari, Diego and Manuel Hernandez, "Separating between Unobserved Consumer Types: Evidence from Airlines," Economic Inquiry, 57, 2, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2019, 1215-1230
Escobari, Diego, Nick Rupp, and Joe Meskey, "An Analysis of Dynamic Price Discrimination in Airlines," Southern Economic Journal, 83, 5, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2019
Escobari, Diego and Mohammad Jafarinejad, "Investors' Uncertainty and Stock Market Risk," Journal of Behavioral Finance, 20, 3, 2019, 304-315
Felix, Reto, Xiaojing Sheng, and Ai Nhan Ngo, "How Political Identity and AttitudinalSpillover Matter for Consumption of Place: Evidence from Winter Migrants inthe United States," Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21, 5, 2022, 1075-1091
Rauschnabel, Philipp, Reto Felix, Chris Hinsch, Hamza Shahab, and Florian Alt, "What is XR? Towards a Framework for Augmented and Virtual Reality," Computers in Human Behavior, 2022
Saravade, Swapnil, Reto Felix, and Fuat Firat, "From Solidity to Liquidity: Macro-level consumption patterns in the sharing economy," Journal of Macromarketing, 41, 2, 2021, 284-296
Sheng, Xiaojing, Reto Felix, Swapnil Saravade, Judy Siguaw, Seth Ketron, Krzysztof Krejtz, and Andrew Duchowski, "Sight unseen: The role of online security indicators in visual attention to online privacy information," Journal of Business Research, 111, 2020, 218-240
Rauschnabel, Philipp, Reto Felix, and Chris Hinsch, "Augmented reality marketing: How mobile AR-apps can improve brands through inspiration," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 49, 2019, 43-53
Research Area:
Marketing theory, postmodern culture, symbolic culture
Atik, Deniz, Lena Cavusoglu, Zeynep Ozdamar Ertekin, and Fuat Firat, "Fashion,Consumer Markets, and Democratization," Journal of Consumer Behaviour,(May) 2022
Dholakia, Nikhilesh, Aron Darmody, Detlev Zwick, Ruby Dholakia, and Fuat Firat,"Consumer Choicemaking and Choicelessness in Hyperdigital Marketspaces,"Journal of Macromarketing, 41, 1, 2021,
Saravade, Swapnil, Reto Felix, and Fuat Firat, "From Solidity to Liquidity: Macro-levelconsumption patterns in the sharing economy," Journal of Macromarketing, 41,2, 2021, 284-296
Oyedele, Adesegun and A. Fuat Firat, "Institutions, small local firms’ strategies, and global alliances in sub-Saharan Africa Emerging Markets," International Marketing Review, 37, 1, (March) 2020, 156-182
Felix, Reto and Fuat Firat, "Brands that ‘sell their soul’: Offshoring, brand liquidification,and the excluded consumer," Journal of Marketing Management
Research Area:
Financial accounting, international accounting, corporate governance
Baran, Lindsay, Arno Forst, and M. Via, "Dual Class Firm Structure and Innovation,"Journal of Financial Research, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2022
Hettler, Barry, Arno Forst, James Cordeiro, and Stacey Chavez, "Excess Insider Control and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Dual-class Firms," Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 40, 6, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2021
Wang, Jing, Wei Li, and Arno Forst, "Product Market Competition, Stock PriceInformativeness, and IFRS Adoption: Evidence from Europe," Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 56, (May) 2021, 1537–1559
Hettler, Barry and Arno Forst, "Disproportionate Insider Control and Firm Performance," Accounting & Finance, 59, 2, (June) 2019, 1101-1130
Forst, Arno and Barry Hettler, "Disproportionate Insider Control and the Demand for Audit Quality," Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 38, 1, (February) 2019, 171-191
Fu, Jiajia, Fangming Xu, Cheng Zeng, and Liyi Zheng, "Free Cash Flows and Price Momentum," Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022
Cheng, C.S. Agnes, Jiajia Fu, Wenli Huang, and Jiao Jing, "Strategic Use of Volume of Financial Items in 10-K Reports," Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance,2021
Fu, Jiajia, Jiao Jing, and Yuan Ji, "Rank and File Employee Satisfaction and the Implied Cost of Equity Capital," Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 2020
Fu, Jiajia, "The Sophistication of Chinese Mutual Funds and the Mispricing of Accruals," Journal of International Accounting Research, 2019
Fu, Jiajia and Jingran Zhao, "Media as Other Information for Fundamental Valuation,"China Accounting and Finance Review, 2021
Galy, Edith, "Perceiving value in organizational innovation: Building a culture of change," International Journal of Innovation Management, 24, 3, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2020, 2050071-1-24
Research Area:
Organizational behavior, diversity , and crosscultural management
Gonzalez, Jorge and Joseph Simpson, "The Workplace Integration of Veterans: Applying Diversity and Fit Perspectives," Human Resource Management Review,2021
Gonzalez, Jorge, Belle Rose Ragins, Kyle Ehrhardt, and Romila Singh, "Friends and Family: The role of relationships in community and workplace attachment.,"Journal of Business & Psychology, 2018
Baeza, Miguel, Jorge Gonzalez, Olga Chapa, and Richard Rodriguez, "Collectivistic Norms and Beliefs and Mexican OCBs: Differences by Gender and Generations,"Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 2022
Wang, Lei and Jorge Gonzalez, "Racial/ethnic and national origin bias of student evaluation of teaching (SET).," International Journal of Organizational Analysis,2020
Contreras, Salvador and Jorge Gonzalez, "Organizational change and work stress,attitudes, and cognitive load utilization: A natural experiment in a University restructuring," Personnel Review, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2020
Duong, Hong, Giorgio Gotti, Michael Stein, and Anthony Chen, "Code of Ethics Quality and Audit Fees," Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2022
Gotti, Giorgio, Sean Roberts, Marco Fasan, and Cole Robertson, "Language in Economics and Accounting Research: The Role of Linguistic History," The International Journal of Accounting, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2021
Gotti, Giorgio, "International Accounting Research: The Italian Context.," Journal of International Accounting Research, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2020
Gotti, Giorgio, "Where is International Accounting Research Going? Issues Needing Further Investigation.," Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 37, 2019, 100286
Gotti, Giorgio, "The Role of Codes of Ethics in Constraining Opportunistic Earnings Management: International Evidence.," Journal of Business Ethics, 2018
Hao, Wei, Justin Paul, Sangeeta Trott, Chiquan Guo, and Heng-Hui Wu, "Two Decades of Research on Nation Branding: A Review and Future Research Agenda," International Marketing Review, 38, 1, (February) 2021, 46-69.
Guo, Chiquan, Sudipto Sarkar, Jing Zhu, and Yong J. Wang, "R.D. Investment, Business Performance, and Moderating Role of Guanxi: Evidence from China," Industrial Marketing Management, 91, November, (November) 2020, 55-63
Wang, Tao, Yu Jia, Kefeng Xiao, and Chiquan Guo, "How to Reduce Opportunism through Contractual Governance in the Cross-Cultural Supply Chain Context: Evidence from Chinese Exporters," Industrial Marketing Management, 91, November, (November) 2020, 323-337
Guo, Chiquan, Songpol Kulviwat, Jing Zhu, and Yong J. Wang, "Competing in an Emerging Market: Antecedents and Consequences of Market Orientation and the Role of Environmental Factors," Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27, 3, (April(2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2019, 248-267
Zeng, Fue, Wenjie Li, Valerie Wang, and Chiquan Guo, "The Impact of Advertising Self-Presentation Style on Customer Purchase Intention," Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 32, 6, (August) 2020, 1242-1254 Other.
Research Area:
Machine learning, text mining, multivariate analysis, Bayesian SEM, econometrics, simulation, quality management, sustainable operations, supply chain analytics, health care management
Harun, Ahasan and Md Rokonuzzaman, "Pursuit of loyalty in service recovery: The roles of brand equity and cognitive reappraisal as moderators," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 62, 2021
Rokonuzzaman, Md, Ahasan Harun, Md Al-Emran, and Victor Prybutok, "An investigation into the link between consumer's product involvement and store loyalty: The roles of shopping value goals and information search as the mediating factors," 2019.
Boyce, LeAnn, Ahasan Harun, Gayle Prybutok, and Victor Prybutok, "“Exploring the factors in information seeking behavior: A perspective from multinational COPD online forums," Oxford, 2021.
Rokonuzzaman, Md, Pramod Iyer, and Ahasan Harun, "Return policy, No joke: An investigation into the impact of a retailer's return policy on consumers' decision making," 59, 2021.
Freund, Steven, Nam Nguyen, and Hieu Phan, "Shareholder Litigation and Corporate Social Responsibility," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2022
Nguyen, Nam, Hieu Phan, Dung Tran, Hung Phan, and Hong Vo, "Tournament-Based Incentives and Mergers and Acquisitions," International Review of Financial Analysis, 71, (June) 2020
Nguyen, Nam, Hieu Phan, and Thuy Simpson, "Political Corruption and Mergers and Acquisitions," Journal of Corporate Finance, 65, (December) 2020
Nguyen, Nam, Hieu Phan, and Eunju Lee, "Shareholder Litigation Rights and Capital Structure Decision," Journal of Corporate Finance, 62, (June) 2020
Phan, Hieu, Nam Nguyen, Hien Nguyen, and Shantaram Hegde, "Policy Uncertainty and Firm Cash Holdings," Journal of Business Research, 95, (February) 2019, 71-82
Research Area:
Corporate governance, executive compensation
Ma, Rong, Wanrong Hou, Richard Priem, and Peter Wright, "Does restricted stock turn CEOs into risk-averse managers? Insights from the regulatory focus theory,"Long Range Planning, 55, 2, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022, 102165
Hou, Wanrong, Steve Lovett, and Abdul Rasheed, "Stock option pay versus restricted stock: A comparative analysis of their impact on managerial risk taking and performance extremeness," Strategic Organization, 18, 2, (May) 2020, (Impact factor: 2.23)
Lovett, Steve, Abdul Rasheed, and Wanrong Hou, "Stock options, restricted stock,salary, or bonus? Managing CEO compensation to maximize organizational performance," Business Horizons, 65, 2, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022, 115- 123 A.
Su, Taoyong, Wanrong Hou, Edward Levitas, and Sibin Wu, "Product complexity and strategic alliances on drug approval," American Business Review, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2021 A.
Hughes, J, Juan Chavarria, and Francis Andoh Baidoo, "The Use of Text Analytics to Investigate Concepts in Intra- and Inter-disciplinary Software Piracy Research,"Americas Conference on Information Systems 2022, (August) 2022 Other.
Research Area:
Fixed income; corporate finance; financial markets and institutions; empirical asset pricing; corporate governance
Javadi, Siamak, Mohsen Mollagholamali, Saud Al-Thaqeb, and Ali Nejadmalayeri,"Corporate Cash Holdings, Agency Problems and Economic Policy Uncertainty,"International Review of Financial Analysis, 77, 101859, 2021
Javadi, Siamak and Abdullah Al Masum, "The Impact of Climate Change on the Cost of Bank Loans," Journal of Corporate Finance, (69) 102019, 2021
Javadi, Siamak, Sadra Amiri, and Mahdi Rastad, "The Impact of Stronger Shareholder Control on Bondholders," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56(4),2021, 1259-1295
Fard, Amirhossein, Siamak Javadi, and Incheol Kim, "Environmental Regulation and the Cost of Bank Loans: International Evidence," Journal of Financial Stability,(51)100797, (December) 2020
Javadi, Siamak, Ali Nejadmalayeri, and Timothy Krehbiel, "Do FOMC Actions Speak Loudly? Evidence from Corporate Bond Credit Spreads," Review of Finance, 22,5, 2018, 1877-1909
Cha, Wonsuk, Dongjun Rew, and Joo Jung, "Corporate philanthropy and firm performance: the role of corporate strategies," Society and Business Review, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2022
Rew, Dongjun, Joo Jung, and Steve Lovett, "Examining the relationships between innovation, quality, productivity, and customer satisfaction in pure service companies," The TQM Journal, Volume 33, Number 1, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2021, Page 57-70.
Rew, Dongjun, Joo Jung, and Wonsuk Cha, "Service productivity vs. service quality: a zero-sum game?," International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35 (9), 2018, 2018, 1 - 18.
Research Area:
Sustainability, circular economy, health care operations, supply chain management, quality management, lean operations, innovation, performance measurement, empirical research, and replication research.
Chakraborty, Subhajit, Hale Kaynak, and José Pagán, "Bridging Hospital Quality Leadership to Patient Care Quality," International Journal of Production Economics, 233, March, (March) 2021, 14
Gutiérrez, Leopoldo, Vanesa Barrales-Molina, and Hale Kaynak, "The Role of Human Resource-Related Quality Management Practices in Generating Dynamic Capabilities," International Journal of Operations and Production Management,2018
Nandi, Madhavi, Santosh Nandi, Hiram Moya, and Hale Kaynak, "Blockchain Technology-enabled Supply Chain Systems and Supply Chain Performance: A Resource-based View," Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 25, 6, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2020, 841-862 A
Erkul, Muratcan, Subhajit Chakraborty, and Hale Kaynak, "The Strategic Value of Servitization: A Quality Management Perspective," Online, (September) 2021, 14B.
Khraiche, Maroula, Levent Kutlu, and Xi Mao, "Energy Efficiencies of European Countries," APPLIED ECONOMICS [ABDC ranking: A], 54, (November) 2022
Khraiche, Maroula and Pedro De Araujo, "The Effect of Information Frictions on FDI Persistence," Economic Modelling, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2021
Khraiche, Maroula and James Boudreau, "Can lower remittance costs improve human capital accumulation in Africa?," Journal of Policy Modeling, (September) 2020
Khraiche, Maroula and Abhinav Alakshendra, "Hosting the Olympics: why are we always getting the cost wrong?," Managerial Finance, ahead-of-print, ahead-ofprint,(June) 2021 B.
Ehrlich, Justin, Shankar Ghimire, Maroula Khraiche, and Mian Raza, "COVID-19 countermeasures, sporting events, and the financial impacts to the North American leagues," Managerial Finance, ahead-of-print, ahead-of-print, (June) 2021 B.
Lee, Suin, Incheol Kim, and Md Ruhul Amin, "Local Religiosity, Workplace Safety, and Firm Value," Journal of Corporate Finance, (September) 2021
Kim, Incheol, Christo Pantzalis, and Zhengyi Zhang, "Multinationality and the Value of Green Innovation," Journal of Corporate Finance, 69, (August)
Fard, Amirhossein, Siamak Javadi, and Incheol Kim, "Environmental Regulation and the Cost of Bank Loans: International Evidence," Journal of Financial Stability,(51)100797, (December) 2020
Kim, Incheol, Ji Woo Ryou, and Rong Yang, "The color of shareholders' money:Institutional shareholders' political values and corporate environmental disclosure," Journal of Corporate Finance, 64, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn))2020
Chung, Chune Y., Incheol Kim, Monika K. Rabarison, Thomas To, and Eliza Wu,"Shareholder Litigation Rights and Corporate Acquisitions," Journal of Corporate Finance, 62, (June) 2020
Research Area:
Consumer psychology, affect, cognition
Uy, Dennis Danny and Sumitra Auschaitrakul, "Affect-based Nonconscious Signaling:When Do Consumers Prefer Negative Branding?," Psychology and Marketing,38, 2, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2021, 338-358.
Uy, Dennis Danny, Ashesh Mukherjee, and Thomas Burnham, "Listening to Dissatisfied Customers: Anticipated Firm Interaction Can Bias Expressed Customer Satisfaction," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (March) 2021.
Uy, Dennis Danny and Sumitra Auschaitrakul, "Symbolic Sequence Effects on Consumers' Judgments of Truth for Brand Claims," Journal of Consumer Psychology, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2020.
Research Area:
Entrepreneurship and corporate governance
K. Acharya, M. Abebe, M. Kroll, "The influence of CEO political outspokenness on stock market reaction and firm performance," Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, August 2019.
K. Acharya, M. Abebe, M. Kroll, "Wearing Their Thoughts on Their Sleeves: Nature and Consequences of CEO Outspokenness," Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association, Lexington, Kentucky, November 2018.
Khraiche, Maroula, Levent Kutlu, and Xi Mao, "Energy Efficiencies of European Countries," APPLIED ECONOMICS [ABDC ranking: A], 54, (November) 2022
Kutlu, Levent and Usha Nair-Reichert, "Executive Compensation and the Potential for Additional Efficiency Gains: Evidence from the Indian Manufacturing Sector," ECONOMIC MODELLING [ABDC ranking:A], 114
Kutlu, Levent, Emmanuel Mamatzakis, and Mike Tsionas, "A Principal-Agent Approach for Estimating Firm Efficiency: Revealing Bank Managerial Behavior,"JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS, INSTITUTIONS &MONEY [ABDC ranking: A], 79
Kutlu, Levent, "Spatial Stochastic Frontier Model with Endogenous Weighting Matrix,"EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS [ABDC ranking: A]
Calice, Giovanni, Levent Kutlu, and Ming Zeng, "Understanding US firm efficiency and its asset pricing implications," EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS [ABDC ranking: A],60, 2, 2021, 803-827
Research Area:
Investment, Migration flows, Investor behavior
Lee, Suin, Incheol Kim, and Md Ruhul Amin, "Local Religiosity, Workplace Safety, and Firm Value," Journal of Corporate Finance, (September) 2021
Aabo, Tom, Suin Lee, Christos Pantzalis, and Jung Park, "Know thy neighbor: Political uncertainty and the informational advantage of local institutional investors,"Journal of Banking & Finance, 113, 2020, 105762
Lee, Suin, Christos Pantzalis, and Jung Park, "Does local culture trigger speculative investment behavior?," Journal of Business Research, 103, 2019, 71--88
Research Area:
Strategic HRM and Human Capital, Employee compensation, Prosocial Motivation, and multilevel modeling
Martínez-del-Río, Javier, Pingshu Li, and James Guthrie, "Antecedents of high performance work practices in SMEs: an attention-based view," Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 33, 16, (September) 2022, 3275-3297
Flinchbaugh, Carol, Mortaza Zare, Clint Chadwick, Pingshu Li, and Spenser Essman,"The influence of independent contractors on organizational effectiveness: A review," Human Resource Management Review, 30, 2, 2020, 100681
Abebe, Michael, Pingshu Li, Keshab Acharya, and Joshua Daspit, "The Founder CEO: A Review of Current Insights and Directions for Future Research," Corporate Governance: An International Review, 28, 6, (November) 2020,
Chadwick, Clint and Pingshu Li, "HR systems, HR departments, and perceived establishment labor productivity," Human Resource Management, 57, 6, 2018,1415-1428
Research Area:
Internet use, social media, technology adoption, electronic commerce
Li, Kai, Cheng Zhou, Xin Luo, Jose Benitez, and qinyu liao, "Impact of information timeliness and richness on public engagement on social media during COVID-19 pandemic: An empirical investigation based on NLP and machine learning," Decision Support Systems, (February) 2022
Wairimu, James, Qinyu Liao, and Lin Zhang, "Digital Investments in Organizational Learning and Entrepreneurial Agility," Journal of Computer Information Systems, (November) 2021
Li, Xinchen, Qinyu Liao, Xin Luo, and Yaoyu Wang, "Juxtaposing impacts of social media interaction experiences on e-commerce reputation," Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 21, 2, (May) 2020, 1-21 B.
Research Area:
Corporate finance, country institutions, national culture
Allison, Lee, Yu Liu, Samuele Murtinu, and Zuobao Wei, "Gender and Firm Performance around the World: The Roles of Finance, Technology and Labor,"Journal of Business Research, 154, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2023, 113322
Liu, YiXin, Yu Liu, William Megginson, and Zuobao Wei, "The Effect of Property Rights on Capital Structure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment," Journal of Corporate Finance, 73, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022, 102167
Abdoh, Hussein and Yu Liu, "Does R&D intensity matter in the executive risk incentives and firm risk relationship?," Economic Modelling, 96, (March) 2021, 13-24
Liu, Tingting, Yu Liu, Barkat Ullah, Zuobao Wei, and Colin Xu, "The Dark Side of Transparency in Developing Countries: The Link Between Financial Reporting Practices and Corruption," Journal of Corporate Finance, 66, 101829, (February)
Abdoh, Hussein and Yu Liu, "Product Market Competition, Executives Risk Incentives and R&D," The Financial Review, 56, 1, (February) 2021, 133-156
Research Area:
Immigration, macroeconomics, dynamic political economy, social security
Lopez, Armando, "Social security as Markov equilibrium in OLG models: Clarifications and some new insights," Economics Letters, 217, (August) 2022
Lopez, Armando, "Voting over redistribution in the Meltzer-Richard model under interdependent labor inputs," Economics Letters, 192, July 2020, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2020
Lopez, Armando, "Intergenerational Mobility and the Political Economy of Immigration," Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control, 94, (September) 2018, 72-88
Lopez, Armando, "Immigration and Demographics: can high immigrant fertility explain voter support for immigration?," Macroeconomic Dynamics, 23, 5, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2019, 1815-1837.
Lopez, Armando, "Tax Smoothing with Immigration in an Overlapping Generations Economy," Applied Economics Letters, 26, 6, (March) 2019, 460-464.
Lovett, Marvin, "EXPLORING THE AWARENESS OF THE BRAND NAME: “THE GOP”, Journal of Business and Educational Leadership, 11, 1, (December) 2021, 64-69
Chi, Yeong and Marvin Lovett, "“Sustainability Development and Broiler Chickens in The United States”," Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 32, 2, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2020, 83-96
Chi, Yeong and Marvin Lovett, "“Scenario Economic Impact Analysis and Marketing Implications for South Texas Saltwater Fishing Tournaments ”," Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 23, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2019
Chi, Yeong and Marvin Lovett, "“Analysis of Saltwater Anglers’ Preferences toward Recreational Fisheries Management Strategies”," Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 13, 3, (September) 2018
Lovett, Marvin, Yeong Chi, and Donna Little, "“The Development of a Curriculum For: Introduction To Trade Show Buying”," Journal of Customer Behavior, 19, 2, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2020, 20
Research Area:
Strategic leadership, strategic management
Hou, Wanrong, Steve Lovett, and Abdul Rasheed, "Stock option pay versus restricted stock: A comparative analysis of their impact on managerial risk taking and performance extremeness," Strategic Organization, 18, 2, (May) 2020, (Impact factor: 2.23)
Rew, Dongjun, Joo Jung, and Steve Lovett, "Examining the relationships between innovation, quality, productivity, and customer satisfaction in pure service companies," The TQM Journal, Volume 33, Number 1, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2021, Page 57-70.
Lovett, Steve, Abdul Rasheed, and Wanrong Hou, "Stock options, restricted stock, salary, or bonus? Managing CEO compensation to maximize organizational performance," Business Horizons, 65, 2, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022, 115- 123 A.
Magnusson, Peter, Srdan Zdravkovic, and Stanford Westjohn, "A Longitudinal Analysis of Country Image and Brand Origin Effects," International Marketing Review, 39, 4, (August) 2022, 912-930
Westjohn, Stanford, Peter Magnusson, George Franke, and Yi Peng, "Trust Propensity across Cultures: The Role of Collectivism," Journal of International Marketing, 30, 1, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2022, 1-17
Westjohn, Stanford, Peter Magnusson, Yi Peng, and Hyeyoon Jung, "Acting on Anger:Cultural Value Moderators of the Effects of Consumer Animosity," Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 8, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2021,1591-1615
Zdravkovic, Srdan, Peter Magnusson, Dario Miocevic, and Stanford Westjohn,"Vicarious Animosity: Taking Sides on Provocative Issues," Journal of Business Research, 124, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2021, 77-85
Westjohn, Stanford and Peter Magnusson, "Conceptualizing and Operationalizing Local and Global Cultural Identities: A Comment," International Marketing Review, 36, 5, (December) 2019, 633-636
Research Area:
International Finance, Development Economics, and Macroeconomics
Sui, Lu, Andre Mollick, and Sibin Wu, "Threshold Effects of Financial Development on Foreign Listing: The Roles of Venture Capital in Developed and Emerging Countries.," Applied Economics, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2022, 16
Cabral, Rene, Francisco Carneiro, and Andre Mollick, "Inflation Targeting and Exchange Rate Volatility in Emerging Markets," Empirical Economics, 58, 2,2020, 605-626
Huang, Wanling and Andre Mollick, "Tight oil, Real WTI prices and U.S. Stock Returns," Energy Economics, 85, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2020
Rodriguez-Nieto, Juan and Andre Mollick, "The U.S. Financial Crisis, Market Volatility,Credit Risk, and Stock Returns in the Americas," Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 35, 2, (June) 2021, 225-254
Mollick, Andre and MD Ruhl Amin, "Occupancy, oil prices, and stock returns: Evidence from the U.S. airline industry," Journal of Air Transport Management, 91,(March) 2021 Other.
Research Area:
Social media, emerging technologies and Health IT, information security and privacy, and international business.
Moqbel, Murad, Barbara Hewitt, Fiona Nah, and Rosann McLean, "Sustaining patient portal continuous use intention and enhancing deep structure usage: cognitive dissonance effects of health professional encouragement and security concerns," Information Systems Frontiers, (June) 2021
Moqbel, Murad, Mohammed Rahmen, Sunyoung Cho, and Barbara Hewitt, "Sustaining Patient Engagement: The Role of Health Emotion and Personality Traits in Patient Portal Continuous Use Decision," AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 12, 4, (December) 2020, 179-205
Moqbel, Murad, Valerie Bartelt, Kazim Topuz, and Kitty Gehrt, "Enterprise social media: combating turnover in businesses," Internet Research, (February) 2020
Kock, Ned and Murad Moqbel, "Social networking site use, positive emotions, and job performance," Journal of Computer Information Systems, (February) 2019, 1-11
Topuz, Kazim, Brett Jones, Sumeyra Sahbaz, and Murad Moqbel, "Methodology to combine theoretical knowledge with a data-driven probabilistic graphical model," Journal of Business Analytics, (June) 2021, 1-15.
Ortiz, Jaime, "How Do Digital Lives Affect Resident Mental Health in the Digital Era? Empirical Evidence Based on Chinese General Social Survey," Frontiers in Public Health, (December) 2022.
Ortiz, Jaime, "A Decomposed Data Analysis Approach to Assessing City Sustainable Development Performance: A Network DEA-model with a Slack-based Measure," 14, September, (September) 2022.
Osatuyi, Babajide, Hong Qin, Temidayo Owonipa, and Ofir Turel, "When it comes to Satisfaction … It depends: An empirical examination of social commerce users,"Computers in Human Behavior, 111, (May) 2020
Boakye, Kwabena, Hong Qin, Charles Blankson, Mike Hanna, and Victor Prybutok, "Operation-oriented Strategies and Patient Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Service Experience," International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, (June) 2021 B.
Qin, Hong, Babajide Osatuyi, and Lu Xu, "How mobile augmented reality applications affect continuous use and purchase intentions: A cognition-affect-conation perspective," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (August) 2021 A.
Osatuyi, Babajide and Hong Qin, "How vital is the role of affect on post-adoption behaviors? An examination of social commerce users," International Journal of Information Management: The Journal for Information Professionals, 40, C, (June) 2018, 175-185 A.
Research Area:
Corporate Finance, Financial Institutions, Health Finance
Hossain, MD Noman, Monika K. Rabarison, Brandon Ater, and Christian Sobngwi,"CEO Marital Status and Dividend Policy," Journal of Corporate Finance, 78,(February) 2023
Sharma, Bina, Binay K. Adhikari, Anup Agrawal, Bruno R. Arthur, and Monika K.Rabarison, "Unintended Consequences of the Dodd–Frank Act on Credit Rating Risk and Corporate Finance," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57,6, (September) 2022, 2286 - 2323
Chung, Chune Y., Incheol Kim, Monika K. Rabarison, Thomas To, and Eliza Wu,"Shareholder Litigation Rights and Corporate Acquisitions," Journal of Corporate Finance, 62, (June) 2020
Downey, Clara, Russell Adams, and Sam Sale, "Firm Responsiveness during the Pandemic: Leveraging Internal Capabilities," (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022
Research Area:
Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial teams, entrepreneurial selfefficacy
Bullough, A., U. Guelich, T. S. Manolova, and L. Schjoedt, "Women’s entrepreneurship and culture: The influence of gender role expectations, identities, societal culture, and the entrepreneurial environment," Small Business Economics, 58, 2022, 985–996
Schjoedt, Leon, "Exploring differences between novice and repeat entrepreneurs: Does stress mediate the effects of work-and-family conflict on entrepreneurs’satisfaction?," Small Business Economics, 56, 4, 2021, 1251-1272
Schjoedt, Leon and Kelly Shaver, "Entrepreneurs’ motivation: A conceptual process theory," Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 32, 4, 2019, 333-353
Troise, C., D. Matricano, E. Candelo, and Leon Schjoedt, "A ten year cross national examination of the dance between intuition and rationality in entrepreneurial processes," International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18, 2022,663–692
Research Area:
Services marketing; consumer adoption and use of technologybased products and services; tourism marketing; travel research; eye tracking methodology
Felix, Reto, Xiaojing Sheng, and Ai Nhan Ngo, "How Political Identity and Attitudinal Spillover Matter for Consumption of Place: Evidence from Winter Migrants in the United States," Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21, 5, 2022, 1075-1091
Kim, Sora, Xiaojing Sheng, and Seth Ketron, "The Roles of Legacy Versus Social Media Information Seeking in American and Chinese Consumers’ Hoarding During COVID-19," Journal of International Marketing, 30, 2, (March) 2022, 38-55
Sheng, Xiaojing, Reto Felix, Swapnil Saravade, Judy Siguaw, Seth Ketron, Krzysztof Krejtz, and Andrew Duchowski, "Sight unseen: The role of online security indicators in visual attention to online privacy information," Journal of Business Research, 111, 2020, 218-240
Sheng, Xiaojing, Penny Simpson, and Judy Siguaw, "Emotions, deliberations, and endof-life products," Psychology & Marketing, (June) 2019
Murray, Ross, Xiaojing Sheng, and Michael Minor, "Impacts of Face Coverings,Background Noise, Perceived Customer Attractiveness, and Intelligibility of Speech on Frontline Employee Job Stress," American Marketing Association, (August) 2021.
A. Singh, "Role of Chief Experience Officers in Healthcare Today," Bridging Healthcare and Hospitality, West Federation Council of Hotel Restaurant and Insitutional Education, Northern Arizona University, February 2022.
A. Singh, "How Covid 19 is Altering Hotel Brand Standards," American Real Estate Society, American Real Estate Society, Virtual, March 2021.
Hossain, MD Noman, Monika K. Rabarison, Brandon Ater, and Christian Sobngwi,"CEO Marital Status and Dividend Policy," Journal of Corporate Finance, 78,(February) 2023
Aguir, Wael, Brandon Ater, Andrew Anabila, and Christian Kuiate Sobngwi, "The Role of Shared Auditors in Loan Contracts," Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance-Forthcoming, 86, 87-97
Sobngwi, Christian and Thomas Noland, "Attracting and Retaining Core Competency: A Focus on Cost Stickiness," Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 15, 4, (November) 2019, 678-700
Sun, Geng, Huseyin Cavusoglu, and Srinivasan Raghunathan, "Value of Membership-Based Free Shipping in Online Retailing: Impact of Upstream Pricing Model,"Production and Operations Management, (August) 2022
Research Area:
Health informatics, green it, information systems
Yang, Zhaojun, Quanlong Lei, Jun Sun, Xu Hu, and Yali Zhang, "Strategizing battery swap service: Self-operation or authorization?," Transportation Research Part D:Transport and Environment, 110, (September) 2022, 103411
Khasraghi, Hanieh, Xuan Wang, Jun Sun, and Bahar Khasraghi, "Submitting tentative solutions for platform feedback in crowdsourcing contests: Breaking network closure with boundary spanning for team performance," Information Technology & People, ahead-of-print, (September) 2022
Hu, Xu, Zhaojun Yang, Jun Sun, and Yali Zhang, "Exempting battery electric vehicles from traffic restrictions: Impacts on market and environment under Pigovian taxation," Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 154,(December) 2021, 53--91
Hu, Xu, Zhaojun Yang, Jun Sun, and Yali Zhang, "Sharing economy of electric vehicle private charge posts," Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 152, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2021, 258--275
Wang, Xuan, Jun Sun, Ying Wang, and Yi Liu, "Deepen electronic health record diffusion beyond breadth: Game changers and decision drivers," Information Systems Frontiers, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2021, 1-12
Tokic, Damir, "The 2021 Fed pivot and the macro consequences of non-transitory inflation.," Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance/Wiley, 33, 1, (December)2021, 7-10
Tokic, Damir, "Longterm consequences of the 2020 coronavirus pandemics: Historical globalmacro context," Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance /Wiley, 31,3, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2021, 9-14
Tokic, Damir, "Robinhoods and the Nasdaq Whale: the Makings of the Big-tech Bubble of 2020," Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance /Wiley, 31, 4, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2020, 9-14
Tokic, Damir and Jessica Tokic, "Practitioner at the Helm of the Fed: What are the Implications?," Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, 29, 4, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2019, 48-53
Tokic, Damir, "When Prices Fall: What Should Managers Know About Deflation?,"Management Accounting Quarterly, 20, 3, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2019, 24-29
Research Area:
Microeconomic Theory, Political Economy, Economics of Organizations
Pongou, Roland, Guy Tchuente, and Jean-Baptiste Tondji, "Optimal Interventions in Networks during a Pandemic," Journal of Population Economics, (August) 2022
Semenov, Aggey and Jean-Baptiste Tondji, "On the Dynamic Analysis of Cournot- Bertrand Equilibria," Economics Letters, 183, 108549, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2019, 1-5
Aguiar, Victor, Roland Pongou, and Jean-Baptiste Tondji, "A non-parametric approach to testing the axioms of the Shapley value with limited data," Games and Economic Behavior, 111, (September) 2018, 41-63
Tondji, Jean-Baptiste, "Overconfidence and welfare in a differentiated duopoly,"Managerial and Decision Economics, 43, 3, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022, 751-767
Nganmeni, Zephirin, Roland Pongou, Bertrand Tchantcho, and Jean-Baptiste Tondji,"Vaccine and Inclusion," Journal of Public Economic Theory, 24, 5, (April (2nd Quarter/Spring)) 2022, 1101-1123
Research Area:
Strategic Marketing, Loyalty versus Satisfaction in Services, Relationship Marketing in Practice
Huaman-Ramirez, Richard, Lunardo Renaud, and Arturo Vasquez-Parraga, "How brand self-disclosure helps brand create intimacy with customers: The role of information valence and anthropomorphism," Psychology and Marketing, 2021
Poushneh, Atieh and Arturo Vasquez-Parraga, "The Role of Customer Readiness in Nontechnology based Service Delivery," Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35, 6, (November) 2018, 588-600
Chu, Yun, Arturo Vasquez-Parraga, and Jianyu Ma, "The Drivers of Customer Satisfaction, Trust, Commitment, and Loyalty among Chinese Consumers," International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 15, 6, (November) 2021, 807-821
Galindo, Maritza, Juan Gallegos, and Arturo Vasquez-Parraga, "Explaining loyalty in higher education: A model and comparative analysis from the policy of gratuity, a case applied to Chile," Sustainability, 13, 19, (September) 2021, 1-15
Research Area:
Social Media and Social Commerce, Crowdfunding, Electronic Commerce and Mobile Commerce, Information Technology Adoption, Performance of ITFocused Firms
Hu, Peng, Yaobin Lu, and Bin Wang, "Experiencing power over AI: The fit effect of perceived power and desire for power on consumers' choice for voice shopping," Computers in Human Behavior, 128, (March) 2022, 107091
King, Kelvin, Bin Wang, Diego Escobari, and Tamer Oraby, "Dynamic Effects of Falsehoods and Corrections on Social Media: A Theoretical Modeling and Empirical Verification," Journal of Management Information Systems, 38, 4, (December) 2021, 989-1010
Wu, Hong, Zhaohua Deng, Bin Wang, and Hao Wang, "How online health community participation affects physicians’ performance in hospitals: Empirical evidence from China," Information & Management, 58, 6, (September) 2021, 103443
Chen, Yanhong, Yaobin Lu, Bin Wang, and Pan Zhao, "How Do Products Recommendation Affect Impulse Buying? An Empirical Study on WeChat Social Commerce," Information and Management, 56, 2, (March) 2019, 236-248
Research Area:
Big data analytics, causal inference, advanced methodology
Khasraghi, Hanieh, Xuan Wang, Jun Sun, and Bahar Khasraghi, "Submitting tentative solutions for platform feedback in crowdsourcing contests: Breaking network closure with boundary spanning for team performance," Information Technology & People, ahead-of-print, (September) 2022
Javadi Khasraghi, Hanieh, Xuan Wang, Jun Sun, and Beha Javadi Khasraghi,"Submitting tentative solutions for platform feedback in crowdsourcing contests:breaking network closure with boundary spanning for team performance,"Information Technology & People, (August) 2022
Wang, Xuan, Jun Sun, Ying Wang, and Yi Liu, "Deepen electronic health record diffusion beyond breadth: Game changers and decision drivers," Information Systems Frontiers, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2021, 1-12
Prieto, L., B. Janamanchi, W. Li, D. Hanke, Lei Wang, H. Aguirre-Milling, Q. Ma, and J. Gonzalez, "Spill-over effects of political trust and job precariousness on employee outcomes: A four country study.," Journal of International Management Studies, 21, 88-114.
Wang, Lei and Jorge Gonzalez, "Racial/Ethnic and National Origin Bias in SET,"International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 28, 4, 2020, 843-855.
Wang, Lei and Jorge Gonzalez, "Racial/ethnic and national origin bias of student evaluation of teaching (SET).," International Journal of Organizational Analysis,2020.
Research Area:
Roles of personality, culture, and gender in the workplace, Workplace stress and coping
Miranda, Gerardo and Jennifer Welbourne, "Examining incivility through a moral lens:Coworker morality appraisals, other-condemning emotions, and instigated incivility," Journal of Business Ethics, (September) 2021
Miranda, Gerardo, Jennifer Welbourne, and Ana Sariol, "Feeling Shame and Guilt when Observing Workplace Incivility: Elicitors and Behavioral Consequences,"Human Resource Development Quarterly, 2020
Welbourne, Jennifer, Gerardo Miranda, and Ashwini Gangadharan, "Effects of employee personality on the relationships between experienced incivility, emotional exhaustion, and perpetrated incivility.," International Journal of Stress Management, 2020
Research Area:
Crowdfunding, strategic decision making, and international entrepreneurship.
Sui, Lu, Andre Mollick, and Sibin Wu, "Threshold Effects of Financial Development on Foreign Listing: The Roles of Venture Capital in Developed and Emerging Countries.," Applied Economics, (July (3rd Quarter/Summer)) 2022, 16
Li, Yuanqing, Nan Xiao, and Sibin Wu, "The devil is in the details: The effect of nonverbal cues on crowdfunding success," Information & Management, 58, 8,(December) 2021, 103528
Liang, Xin, Sibin Wu, and Shujuan Zhang, "From Friendship to Family: Jiangyiqi and strong interpersonal relationship development in Chinese organizations,"Management and Organization Review, 14, 2, 2018, 275-303
Research Area:
Services marketing; consumer adoption and use of technologybased products and services; tourism marketing; travel research; eye tracking methodology
Li, Yuanqing, Nan Xiao, and Sibin Wu, "The devil is in the details: The effect of nonverbal cues on crowdfunding success," Information & Management, 58, 8, (December) 2021, 103528
Yoo, Chul Woo, Jaeung Lee, Changhyun Yoo, and Nan Xiao, "Coping behaviors in short message service (SMS)-based disaster alert systems: From the lens of protection motivation theory as elaboration likelihood," Information & Management, 58, 4, (June) 2021, 12
Yan, Yun-Chia, David Manry, and Dao Mai, "The Association between Audit Fees and CEO Age," Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance & Accounting, 18,(December) 2021, 1-38
Darcy, John and Yun-Chia Yan, "Degree of Internationalization, Financial Structure and Cost of Capital: Evidence from Emerging Taiwan," Accounting and Finance Research, 11, 4, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2022, 23-36
Chang, Ta-Cheng, John Darcy, Yu-Ting Hou, and Yun-Chia Yan, "Degree of Internationalization, Financial Structure and Cost of Capital:Evidence from Emerging Taiwan," Accounting and Finance Research, 11, 4, (November) 2022,23-36
Research Area:
Accounting information in capital markets; Accounting information in emerging markets; Auditing
Zhou, Haiyan, Hanwen Chen, Daoguang Yang, and Joseph Zhang, "Internal Control,Risk Management, and Cash holdings.," Journal of Corporate Finance, 64,October, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2020
Zhou, Haiyan, Heibatollah Sami, Parveen Gupta, and Kevin Lam, "Boardroom Gender Diversity and Long-Term Firm Performance," International Journal of Disclosure and Governance/Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, (March) 2021
Zhou, Haiyan, Heibatollah Sami, Parveen Gupta, and Kevin Lam, "Do Religion and Politics Impact Corporate Governance Diversity Policy?," Asian Review of Accounting/Emerald, 30, 1, (January (1st Quarter/Winter)) 2022, 1-30.
Zhou, Haiyan, J. Shao, N. Gong, and J. Zhang, "The Economic Consequences of Compensation Regulation and Its Contagion Effect: Evidence from China.,"Frontiers Psychology, 12, October 2021, (October (4th Quarter/Autumn)) 2021.
Zhou, Haiyan, Fangcheng Sun, Tingyong Zhong, and Jeoung Yul Lee, "Business Strategy, State-Owned Equity and Cost Stickiness: Evidence from Chinese Firms," Sustainability, 12, 5, (March) 2020.
RCVCOBE Faculty Portal
Michael Abebe, Ph. D. Associate Dean for Research & Faculty / Professor Phone: (956) 665-5225 ECOBE 114D