Discover UTRGV Fall Preview
We are excited to offer you an in-depth look at some of our top programs at our Discover UTRGV Fall Preview Dates!
Learn about our application process, gain insight into the financial aid and scholarship applications, hear from our academic departments, and learn how UTRGV can help you achieve your goals from current UTRGV students all while exploring our beautiful campuses.
If you are a student planning to attend one of our Discover UTRGV events, please click the link below to register for the date that works best for you. Please note that while certain Discover dates are geared toward specific majors, we will be offering general information sessions for students that do not fall into one of the listed majors.
- Discover UTRGV Brownsville - Friday, November 3, 2023
- Discover UTRGV Scholars Day- Saturday, November 11, 2023
- Registration link: Discover UTRGV: Fall 2023 (
- Please select what date works best for you on registration link
College Access Partners:
If you are a College Access Partner interested in bringing a group, please complete a registration form. Please note, each student will be required to complete a registration form and identify with their high school/group. After submitting their form, each student will receive a personalized barcode needed for check in the day of the event.
Top 5 Reasons to attend DISCOVER UTRGV:
5.) Get UTRGV Swag so you can show off your Vaquero Pride! All students that attend get an awesome UTRGV Tshirt!
4.) Meet current UTRGV students, faculty, and staff! Learn about UTRGV straight from the Vaqueros' mouths. Who better to tell you about the opportunities available to you than the people that work, live, and attend classes at UTRGV everyday?
3.) Attend information sessions on admissions, financial aid, housing, and more. Confidently start or continue your college application process by hearing from the experts!
2.) Hear from colleges, departments, student success offices, and student organizations about the opportunities you'll have to learn and connect both in and outside of the classroom!
1.) Picture your life as Vaquero by experiencing campus! Walk the paths and hallways. Wave at your future classmates. Greet faculty and staff as we welcome you to UTRGV. There's no better way to learn what makes UTRGV the FUTURE OF TEXAS than by stepping onto either or both of our gorgeous campuses!