Prescribe, tailor, design and control the mesostructures of fine fibers
- M Chipara (UTRGV) and D Chipara (UTRGV) - polymer physics and nanostructures
- Fuentes (UTRGV) and Vasquez (UTRGV) - simulation/operation hybrid ES/FS
- Lozano (UTRGV) - processing-structure-property relationships of NF systems and nanoreinforced systems
- Calabrese (UMN) - rheology, flow-organization of soft materials, and neutron scattering
- Ellison (UMN) - polymer self-assembly in thin film confinement, polymer processing, and fiber formation
- Lodge (UMN) - block copolymer self-assembly, small-angle-scattering, and controlled polymerization
- Mahanthappa (UMN) - amphiphile and polymer synthesis and self-assembly
Nanostructured Fibers for Electronic, Transport, and Energy Applications
- Uddin (UTRGV) - triboelectric and physicochemical characterization
- Alcoutlabi (UTRGV) - lithium ion and sodium ion batteries
- Martirosyan (UTRGV) - thermodynamic analysis of composite materials
- Leighton (UMN) - magnetic and electronic films and nanoparticles
- Lodge (UMN)- ionic liquids and polymer electrolytes
- Mahanthappa (UMN) - synthesis, self-assembly, and ion transport
- Mkhoyan (UMN) - world-leader in high resolution electron microscopy
The purpose of the MRSEC Seed Program is to foster innovation and promote MRSEC growth. Awards are made to individual faculty members or small clusters in support of high risk projects or research in emerging areas.
- Gilkerson (UTRGV)
Funded by the National Science Foundation through the University of Minnesota (UMN) Partnership for Research and Education in Materials Science (PREM): University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) award DMR-2122178.