Leave your laptop in a public place. If you take your laptop into libraries or classrooms, do not leave it alone, even just "for a minute" while you go to the restroom or talk with a friend. Thieves look for such opportunities.
Place your laptop on the floor. Putting your laptop on the floor is an easy way to forget or lose track of it. If you have to set it down, try to place it between your feet or against your leg (so you're always aware it's there).
Leave your laptop in a car.
Leaving your laptop unattended, even for a moment, even in your office or dorm room.
Expensive bags that scream, "Laptop inside!". Instead use a low-key shoulder bag, briefcase, or backpack for your laptop.
Lock your door, even if you are just heading to the bathroom. Arrange this with your suitemates as well. If you leave your door open, you are providing thieves easy access to steal your belongings.
Set your IT devices (such as laptops, smartphones, or tablets) to require a password to log on to the computer. Never leave access numbers or passwords in your carrying case.
Configure your screen saver to require a password.
Report any stolen property to the proper authorities.
Alert the proper authorities of suspicious behavior.