Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The Institutional Review Board at UTRGV is responsible for the oversight of all research involving human participants. They help to ensure that all research participants are treated fairly and ethically and to assist researchers at UTRGV in the inclusion of human subjects' protections in both their study designs and implementation.
What We Do
- The IRB responsibility is to review and approve research protocols involving human participants to ensure that they adhere to ethical standards, federal regulations and institutional policies.
- The IRB evaluates the potential risks and benefits associated with research participation. It ensures that the risks are minimized and reasonable in relation to the anticipated benefits of the research.
- The IRB provides guidance and education to researchers on ethical conduct in research involving human participants. They also help ensure that participants understand the nature of the research and their rights through informed consent processes.
IRB applications are submitted and managed via our online routing system, "tick@lab". Log in with your UTRGV credentials to submit or manage your applications.
*You must be a registered user to access the site. If you are unable to log in (i.e. access denied) submit an access request.
*If you already have an account on tick@lab set up and are having issues accessing your protocols, please contact the Office of Research Compliance. This issue may be a result of a recent update to the system, and can be fixed manually by our staff.
*For guidance on using tick@lab to submit your request, please refer to the training materials linked below. For additional technical assistance, please contact
- The Institutional Review Board holds monthly meetings on the 4th week of each month.