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Organization Request Form

What's this request for?

This form is to request the creation of a new organization in Blackboard. An organization can be used for accessing documents and collaborating with other organization participants in a secure-access environment. You may request an organization and enroll specific users to the organization with different roles, such as:

  • Organization Leader (Manage participants)
  • Leader/Instructor
  • Participant/Student

Who can request an organization?

An organization can only be requested by full-time faculty and staff.


  1. The requestor will submit a ticket requesting a new organization to be created.
  2. The COLTT Help Desk will provide a link to the request form to collect all the information needed.
  3. Our Instructional Support team will create the organization and enroll all users with the right access type requested.
  4. The COLTT Help Desk will complete the request and close the case. Please allow 48 hours to complete this type of request.