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Browse Help Articles Submit a TicketBlackboard Course Shell Request Form
What is this request for?
The purpose of this request form is to request a new course shell to be created in our production server to start developing your online/hybrid/face-to-face course. Faculty must submit this request form to start designing their next semester's courses.
Please complete the form indicating if a course template would like to be used. The following are available course templates:
- Module Folder Template (16 modules)
- Weekly templates (16 weeks)
- Pantilla de 7 semanas (Español)
- Pantilla de 16 semanas (Español)
- A faculty member will complete this requests for a new course shell to be created for them to start developing their courses.
- Once the course shell is created, the COLTT Help Desk will inform the faculty the shell is ready for use.
Note: Please allow 24 hours for this process to be completed.