Academic Advising and Course Substitution Assistance

Academic Advising and BSN Information Sessions:

Academic advising and resources are available to prospective students to help them prepare to meet the program requirements and apply to one of our BSN programs.   

To help guide and prepare you to apply to one of the UTRGV BSN programs, select one ofthe options below that best describes you.

Course Substitution

  1. Below is a brief overview of the course substitution review process for the School of Nursing. This process will help you determine if you have the required prerequisites needed to apply to one of our BSN programs or if you will need to take a course(s): It is best to take these steps the semester before you plan to apply to the School of Nursing as you may need to take a course(s) before applying.

    Official transcripts will be evaluated only after all necessary evaluation documents are on file at the Office of the University Registrar.

    If you are seeking a course substitution to meet the requirements to graduate from your current program of study, contact Academic Advising.

  2. ▶ Your First and Last Name
    ▶ Your UTRGV Student ID Number
    ▶ Course Number you would like reviewed for possible substitution
    ▶ Course Title of the Course(s)
    ▶ Course Description
    ▶ Institution where you earned the credit for the above course(s)
    ▶ 2 nd degree prospective students will need their Unofficial Transcripts
    ▶ In some cases, the Program Coordinator will request a syllabus or other documentation for review
  1. (I Checked #1 or #3 above otherwise go below)

    Substitution Review Process for the UTRGV School of Nursing:

    ▶ Set an appointment to meet with your Academic Advisor to review your academic record and request for course substitution. Remember you must be currently enrolled as a degree-seeking student. Or, if you are not currently enrolled, you must be admitted to UTRGV before meeting with your Academic Advisor.

    ▶ The advisor will email your request to the School of Nursing’s Student Services Manager and copy the appropriate Program Coordinator with the course substitution information in Step One above.

    ▶ The course substitution request will be reviewed and will be provided to the appropriate BSN Coordinator for consideration. In some cases, the School of Nursing may request that the Department that offers this course review the course substitution request and make a recommendation.

    ▶ An email will be sent to the Academic Advisor and prospective BSN student if the course substitution will or will not be recommended if accepted to the program. This review may take approximately 5 business days.

    ▶ Course substitutions that are recommended by the School of Nursing are only processed for approval if you are accepted to the School of Nursing.

    1.Ge neric and 2 nd  degree: Course substitution recommendations will be noted on the acceptance letter.

    2.R N to BSN students can request substitutions via email to Ms. Luz Silva at  It is recommended that accepted RN to BSN students meet with academic advising and advising and send Ms. Silva an email with any requested substitutions.

    3.E mail from the School of Nursing with recommended substitutions can be provided to advising after acceptance to any BSN program.

    4.A cademic Advising will start the Petition process for substitutions after receiving confirmation that the substitution was recommended by the appropriate Program Coordinator noted above.

    ▶ Accepted students must take their acceptance letter to academic advising to process the recommended course substitution upon acceptance to the program. Make an appointment.

    ▶ See UTRGV substitution instructions and tracking if accepted to the BSN program.

  1. (I checked #2 above)

    ▶ Email your substitution review request to the Student Services Manager, Mrs. Amber Palomares at and copy the 2 nd Degree Program Coordinator, Dr. Brewster at  Provide the course information listed under Step One, and attach your unofficial transcript.

    ▶ Remember prospective students must apply to UTRGV and submit their Official Transcript to Undergraduate Admissions for official evaluation.    

    ▶ The course substitution request will be reviewed by the BSN 2 nd Degree Coordinator. 

    If applicable, an email will be sent to the referring Academic Advisor and the student, indicating whether the course substitution will or will not be recommended if accepted into the program.

    ▶ To apply to the School of Nursing, course substitutions are only processed for approval if you are accepted to the School of Nursing.  Course substitution recommendations will be noted on the acceptance letter.

    ▶ Accepted students must take their acceptance letter to academic advising to process the recommended course substitution upon acceptance to the program.  Make an appointment.

    ▶ See UTRGV substitution instructions and tracking if accepted to the BSN program.



  • Transfer Equivalency Guide (TES)    

    This is an unofficial guide to assist prospective students in reviewing course transferability to UTRGV).   Official transferability decisions are made by UTRGV Undergraduate Admissions upon admission and the receipt of official transcripts.  
    If a course does not appear in the TES that does not necessarily mean it is not transferable.     

    For Example:   Texas State University : reflect direct equivalents to UTRGV courses BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402.  



    If you see a course with 1000, 2000, 3000 course numbers those would need to be reviewed for possible course substitution as they are not direct equivalents.

    For example:  BIO 2400 does not reflect a direct equivalent to a UTRGV and will need to be reviewed by a BSN Program Coordinator to determine if it meets our BSN program requirements. 

    BIO 2400 MICROBIOLOGY(4)     |   BIOL 2000 BIOL TRANSFER 2000

  • Review Credit by Examination (CLEP, AP, etc.) information, if applicable.