Contact Us
Brownsville Office:
Life and Health Science Bldg (LHSB) 2.720
Fax: 956-882-6827
Edinburg Office:
Health Affairs Building East (EHABE) 2.201
Fax: 956-665-5253
Education Verification Forms:
Graduate or DNP Program request to
Meagan Banks, BS
Program Coordinator-Student Services
Undergraduate Program request to
Lourdes Sanchez, BAAS-IS
Program Coordinator-Student Services
(Graduates must complete their section Of the form before submitting. Provide your UTRGV Student ID# in your email.)
General Information and Program Inquiries:
Maria Pilar Pedraza, BS
Administrative Assistant I SON Office
Karina Gutierrez
Program Specialist-Student Services
Carmen Vela, BS
Program Specialist-Student Services
Graduate Programs:
MSN-FNP, Post Master's PMHNP and FNP
Certificates, MSN-Education, MSN-Administration and DNP
Meagan Banks, BS
Program Coordinator-Student Services
Undergraduate Programs:
BSN Generic, 2nd Degree and RN to BSN
Lourdes Sanchez, BAAS-IS
Program Coordinator-Student Services
HESI Exam Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Admission Assessment (A2) exam?
The HESI A² exam is designed to assess the academic and personal readiness of prospective students for higher education. It is particularly well suited for prospective students in the health science fields, though it is applicable for basic skills for all potential students. The A² consists of nine different exams, seven of which focus on academic subject areas and two on personal assessment.
Individual component scores as well as composite scores are provided for the total number of academic exams that are administered.
These academically oriented subjects include:
· Basic Math
· Reading Comprehension
· Vocabulary and General Knowledge
· Grammar
· Chemistry
· Biology
· Anatomy and Physiology
The Learning Style and Personality Profile exams are available for the purpose of offering insights about student study habits, learning preferences, and dispositions as they relate to academic achievement. Schools of nursing decide which A2 components will be required for their own applicants to complete.
These requirements as well as minimum cut scores are also decided by faculty who are guided by research and data. These requirements can change from one year to the next and from school to school, so be sure to carefully read your program’s requirements.
Many schools of nursing also include HESI’s Critical Thinking exam as an additional requirement of the entrance exam.
What are the required minimum HESI scores for admission at UTRGV School of Nursing?
Applicants to the UTRGV nursing program must achieve a 75% or higher on the required individual components of the HESI A2 Exam and a 750 or higher in Critical Thinking.
The UTRGV School of Nursing requires:
· Reading Comprehension
· Grammar
· Vocabulary and Knowledge
· Anatomy and Physiology
· Basic Math
· Critical Thinking
What should I do to prepare for the HESI Admission Assessment?
Students can prepare for HESI using the HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review Manual. The Review Manual contains a 25-question pre-test at the beginning of the text which helps you assess your areas of strength and weakness before using the text. Applicants also can practice on a 50-question comprehensive post –test is included at the back of the text and covers all of the subject areas included on the exam. The questions will also include rationales for correct/incorrect answers. There is also an Evolve companion site with two comprehensive practice exams to further assist your review and preparation for the HESI Admission Assessment Exam. Applicants may purchase this manual either from UTRGV bookstore or directly online by following this link:
Can I re-take the HESI A2 if I do not achieve the required minimum on one or more components or 750 on the critical thinking?
Yes, applicants may retest on Version 2 of the HESI Admission Assessment Exam for any components where the minimum score was not achieved.
While there is no minimum for the Cumulative score, it counts 20% of your rank points. To obtain a new Cumulative score, all components except Critical Thinking
must be taken in one sitting again.
HESI scores are only accepted until the application cycle closes; late scores are NOT accepted.
Do I need to retest if conclusions, meaning/word use, implications or understanding is below a 75%
Am I taking the same test on my second attempt?
Do I have to retake the entire A2 exam over when retesting or can I take just the component where the minimum score was not achieved?
Applicants choosing to retest only need to test on the sections where the minimum score was not achieved.
The HESI A2 Exam cannot be split into individual parts, so the exam is delivered with all components in-tact and the cost remains the same regardless of how many components you are testing on.
Do HESI scored need to be submitted before the cycles closing date?
How many times can I retest?
HESI policy requires a waiting period of three weeks before students are allowed to retest. UTRGV SON applicants are allowed ONLY two HESI attempts exam during an academic year (September 1-August 31).
HESI scores are only accepted until the application cycle closes; late scores are NOT accepted.
How soon can I retest if I am below the required minimum on any section or I'm just wanting to improve my score?
Applicants may schedule a second attempt after three weeks from your original test date. Use your time between attempts to complete meaningful remediation by targeting your knowledge gaps. Make use of the online content provided on Evolve by reviewing missed content and completing the online item banks.
HESI scores are only accepted until the application cycle closes; late scores are NOT accepted.
Can I retest to improve my score?
Yes, since the A2 is a weighted percentage of the admission criteria, some students choose to retest even when the 75% minimum or 750 for Critical Thinking is met. Retesting in these cases is not required. 20% of your rank points come from your Cumulative score. 20% of your rank points come from your Critical Thinking score. To obtain a new Cumulative score, all components except Critical Thinking must be taken in one sitting again.
HESI scores are only accepted until the application cycle closes; late scores are NOT accepted.
How long are HESI A2 scores good?
Is there a minimum requirement for the cumulative?
There is no minimum requirement for the Cumulative score. However, the Cumulative score counts for 20% of an applicant’s rank points.
To obtain a new Cumulative score, all components except Critical Thinking must be taken in one sitting again.
If I score lower on the second attempt which score will be utilized?
What kind of remediation is available?
Access content relevant to your missed test items on the HESI A2 through your HESI Student Access link on Evolve.
How do I get more information about the HESI Exam?
You may review the HESI FAQs and the HESI Admissions Assessment Exam Flyer
-Edinburg Testing Services: or call (956) 665-7570
-Brownsville Testing Services: or call (956) 882-8875
What percentage do I need for each component of the HESI exam?
How many times can the HESI exam be taken?
HESI policy requires a wait period of three weeks before students are allowed to retest. UTRGV SON applicants are allowed two attempts at the HESI exam during an academic year (September 1-August 31).
Applicants choosing to retest only have to test on the sections where a 75% was not achieved.
Applicants choosing to retest will be testing on an alternate version of the HESI A2. Same content but different test items.
Be advised that the Admission Assessment Exam cannot be split into individual parts, so the exam is delivered with all components in-tact and the cost remains the same regardless of how many components you are testing on.
How do I get my HESI Exam Score Sheets, including Critical Thinking?
There are two HESI score sheets that you must download as a PDF to CastleBranch.
- HESI Scores for Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary & Knowledge, Anatomy and Physiology and Math; and
- HESI Critical Thinking Exam Results
Steps to Download:
1. Log on to
2. Click on Student Access
3. Click on Admission Assessment Report under Exam History (this is for the bar graph page of the HESI—Save this document as PDF)
4. Go back to My Exams
5. Click on the plus sign (+) next to Admissions Assessment Report
6. Critical Thinking will appear in the drop down list. Click on the link View Results.
7. Click on Results Report.pdf under View Your Detailed Scoring Report on the right (Save this
document as PDF)