Welcome Message from WP Coordinator, Andrew Hollinger!

Our Mission

Our Writing Program is one of the largest programs in the institution. Every academic year, there are around 4,000 students enrolled in ENGL 1302 alone, and with each student comes a wealth of amazing ideas, inquiries, and talents that are shared in our classrooms every day. But why should all this innovation stay contained in the classroom when so many others in the university and beyond would benefit from learning from these students as well? With this in mind, we proudly present "NovaRhet", an undergraduate research symposium aimed at giving student researchers a platform to share their work and voices across the university and the Rio Grande Valley.

Originally, the incumbent event of this symposium was to be live and held on campus over the course of two days (and it is our plan to return to that at a later time). However, due to circumstances surrounding the pandemic and for the safety of all involved, the first iteration of this event will be held virtually with showcases of projects and presentations shared in a variety of formats, with hopes that it will evoke an interactive, engaging, almost festival-like atmosphere. 

This all starts with you, the student. You truly do amazing work that continually impresses us every single day, and we truly believe that that work deserves to be shared with others so that we may all learn and grow for each other. That's why we're so excited that so many of you chose to participate, and we can't wait to show off your brilliant thoughts and ideas because you truly deserve a large spotlight that others can witness and learn and grow from. 

Please visit the links above to get started and welcome, one and all, to NovaRhet!