Online research requests are the easiest way for BSA patrons and scholars to initiate their research inquiries. Be sure to include specific details about your research interest: BSA Request
Research consultations can be accommodated online or in person by appointment only. Advance notice is required to avoid an unnecessary trip. Submit an online research request and include your research interest and appointment availability.
BSA hosts online remote (asynchronous/synchronous) and traditional (in-person) informational sessions for our UTRGV faculty and students, including research instruction, collections orientations, tours, and assignment-based research projects. Our staff can introduce new users to our services and resources, including submitting requests online and accessing our holdings.
Border Studies Archive collection materials and resources that have been digitized are available via our institutional repository UTRGV ScholarWorks.
Border Studies Archive does not own the copyright in much of the material in its collection and is therefore unable to grant copyright permission to publish those items. It is the researcher's responsibility to determine copyright and other possible restrictions on reuse (e.g., publicity, privacy, moral rights) and to obtain proper permission when publishing or distributing materials found in these collections.
Researchers must make their own assessments of rights considering their intended use. Learn more about copyright and use of our collections.
When citing Border Studies Archive materials and collections, please use the preferred citation:
[Title of Collection]; [item description], [dates]. Box [#], Folder [#], [name of item, e.g. Folk Foods Collection, Appetizers, Guacamole]. University Library, Border Studies Archive, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, Texas.
- Generic Informed Consent and Deed of Gift
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- BSA Liberacion del Investigador Español-consent
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- Galván, M. (2021). Dancing with the Devil Revisited. Constellations: A Cultural Rhetorics Publishing Space, 4, 21.
- Taylor, A. and Alaniz, A. (2019) The Devil still Dances: UTRGV professors explain why ‘Devil at the Disco’ folktale still teaches lessons after 40 years. UTRGV: THE NEWSROOM, 31 October 2019.
- Sharpe, S. (2019). Read, Hot and Digitized: South By—the Border Studies Archive At The University Of Texas Rio Grande Valley. TexLibris (blog), Office of the Director of the University of Texas Libraries. 10 December 2019.
- Russell, M. (2014). The Border Music Collection at the Border Studies Archive at the University of Texas–Pan American. Music Reference Services Quarterly, 17:1, 33-43, DOI: 10.1080/10588167.2014.870522.